The email message below: "Your WhatsApp Service has Expired," which claims the recipients’ WhatsApp Service or Messenger has expired and they need to renew in order to prevent the loss of their images, videos, and other media files, is a phishing scam, therefore the instructions in it should never be followed. The fake email message was sent by cybercriminals to trick their potential victims into clicking on the link within it, which will take them to a fake WhatsApp website. On the fake WhatsApp website, potential victims will be asked to sign-in with their email account credentials, and if they do so, their usernames and passwords will be sent to the cyber-criminals behind the phishing scam. The cybercriminals will then use the same information to hijack their potential victims' email accounts. Therefore, recipients of the phishing WhatsApp email message should delete it.
The Phishing WhatsApp Email
Subject: Your WhatsApp Service has Expired
From: WhatsApp Messenger (support@whats.
WhatsApp Expiry Date Extended
Warning! Your WhatsApp Messenger Account has expired.
It is imperative to conduct an audit of your date now, or your Accounts is destroyed.
If your membership is expired when you renew, your renewal will activate once you complete the renewal process
Please renew as soon as possible to avoid the loss of all media (images, videos, historical…)
Follow the link:
Click Here to update account
We have not received the information which is required in order to finalize your profile.
Please provide the information within the next 24 hours to avoid your account being cancelled
Recipients of the phishing WhatsApp email message who have been tricked into visiting the fake WhatsApp websites and attempted to sign-in should change their email accounts' password immediately.