International Society of Business Leaders and Executives & Professionals Scam

International Society of Business Leaders and Executives and Professionals Scam

If you have received email messages like the one below with the subject: "Your application to join our network of International Society of Executives & Professionals," please delete them. The links in the fake email messages go to the websites: "", "", "" and other similar websites. The websites claim to belong to an organization that calls itself "The International Society of Executives & Professionals" or "Exclusive Network of Business Leaders" that are advertised by unsolicited emails, which claim that the recipients have been specially selected for membership in this "elite network," and urging them to 'confirm' their information. The websites will then ask the recipients to register, which is a deceptive way of collecting personal information, so recipients of the fake email messages should delete them, and should never follow the instructions in them.

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The Fake "International Society of Business Leaders" Email Message

Subject: Your application to join our network

Confirmation (

I am pleased to inform you that based on your professional background, you have been selected to apply for inclusion into the International Society of Business Leaders. Our research department nominates a handful of potential candidates based on a variety of criteria such as your current professional standing, recent accomplishments, honors/awards, published articles, as well as information present on authoritative media outlets, social networks, and professional directories.

Based on this, I feel you would be a fitting addition to our elite network of professionals. As we compile our data from a variety of secondary sources, you must verify your information by completing your application here. There is no cost to apply or to be included.

Please note, the submission deadline is 2/29/2016, so it's important you finalize your application before this date.

Matthew Stern
Managing Director

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Feb. 22, 2021 at 12:06 PM by
International Society of Business Leaders and Executives & Professionals Scam
an anonymous user from: St Louis, Missouri, United States

Has anyone noticed the return email address for "Tom Davison at the ISoBL <>"

I tried to go to and the browser couldn't find it. Curiously, can't be found in a whois search.

I just had the phone interview and she's calling me back this afternoon for credit card payment. I won't be picking up!


Apr. 25, 2023 at 2:50 AM by
International Society of Business Leaders and Executives & Professionals Scam
an anonymous user from: Amersfoort, Utrecht, Netherlands

Never give them your credit card details. They keep the details, even when you ask them to delete them, and just reactivate the memberships whenever they want. And they don't respond to emails. Report them to your credit card company and the platform they used - it might stop others falling for this scam. I responded to an advertisement on Linkedin.


Nov. 16, 2020 at 10:35 AM by
International Society of Business Leaders and Executives & Professionals Scam
an anonymous user from: Old Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I found them through a linkedin add and, in a low moment, did not realize the scam and applied. They called me within 4 days and were super professional, it sounded legit. The price was the red flag for me. It was far too low and the person calling became pushy. Cannot believe these people have my number now.

Be very careful!


Nov. 18, 2020 at 11:27 AM by
International Society of Business Leaders and Executives & Professionals Scam
an anonymous user from: Westpoort, Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

I have just gone through exactly the same experience. When I started to hesitate and said I would prefer to do more research the lady became very pushy and when I called her on her attitude and tone, things went South pretty quickly. I feel like a fool having subjected myself to the ‘interview process’ at all! My first BIG RED FLAG was when she said they would send me a certificate lauding my membership. What a joke!


Oct. 13, 2020 at 7:35 AM by
International Society of Business Leaders and Executives & Professionals Scam

"From: Tom Davison []

Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2020 7:03 AM

Subject: Harriet L.: Join The International Society of Business Leaders


I hope all is well and you are having a nice weekend. I am reaching out to you on behalf of our candidate research department. I am pleased to inform you that based on your professional background, that I am extending you an invitation to apply for inclusion into the prestigious International Society of Business Leaders.

We nominate potential candidates based on a variety of factors such as your current professional standing, recent accomplishments, honors/awards, published articles, as well as information present on authoritative media outlets, social networks, and professional directories.

Our society is comprised of over 100,000 distinguished business professionals representing all major industries and professions worldwide. We're dedicated to the professional advancement of our members by providing them with premier networking, personal branding, online exposure, business opportunities, recognition, and credibility.

I believe that you would make a f*****g addition to our elite network of leading business professionals, and therefore encourage you to submit your membership application form on our secure site by clicking the button below. The application process takes only a few quick minutes, and the benefits of joining are significant.

Apply Now To Join The ISoBL


Tom Davison

Head, Candidate Nominations


Please do not reply to this email. Replies to this email are routed to an unmonitored mailbox.

Copyright © 2020 The International Society of Business Leaders, All rights reserved."

Here is another scam.


Oct. 9, 2020 at 12:42 PM by
International Society of Business Leaders and Executives & Professionals Scam
an anonymous user from: Ukiah, California, United States

Lovely - just went through a screener call - sounded legit till the membership fees - I asked for a detailed offering of what my fees would pay for - and was told that they didn't have the time to deal with sending info about membership since they get HUNDREDS of applications - and I said, funny, because I was just reading online that... and she hung UP! Glad I caught it on time!


Sep. 9, 2020 at 2:30 AM by
International Society of Business Leaders and Executives & Professionals Scam
an anonymous user from: Paris, Île-de-France, France


I am wondering what is the added value of this society, you pay, and then you pay ... You get a list of people to possibly reach ... What is more than LinkedIn? They flatter your ego to make you pay more ...


Aug. 24, 2020 at 6:34 PM by
International Society of Business Leaders and Executives & Professionals Scam
an anonymous user from: New York, United States

I was an employee at ISOBL for about a year on & off, I had to sell memberships to make commision, the more I sold the more I made. I wasnt making sales after the first couple of months so I was let go more than once, go figure. At least I was able to collect unemployment benefits.


Aug. 24, 2020 at 5:52 PM by
International Society of Business Leaders and Executives & Professionals Scam
an anonymous user from: New York, United States

I was employee at this boiler room and you would receive commission based on sales, you would get base salary and commission if you did well. The boss man was very fair and if you worked hard and sold, you would get compensated, however is you did not sell memberships you would be out the door. The turnover is constant, so no job security. They do offer health benefits and life insurance once you are there after 6 months approximately.

Its ok position for those who have stayed there for a long period of time, however I saw favoritism. During holidays management was very gracious and everyone got nice lunch, so it is not h**l hole or anything. SCAM is harsh, if it was truly SCAM then they would not have members. If someone feels like it is a SCAM they can dispute any charges with credit card company.


Jul. 13, 2023 at 6:58 AM by
International Society of Business Leaders and Executives & Professionals Scam
an anonymous user from: New York, New York, United States

Who is the owner of this oreganization?


Jun. 5, 2020 at 11:31 AM by
International Society of Business Leaders and Executives & Professionals Scam
an anonymous user from: Saint-Genis-des-Fontaines, Occitanie, France

Yes it is certainly scam.


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International Society of Business Leaders and Executives & Professionals Scam