www.dutycafe.com and www.dutycafe.xyz - They are Untrustworthy Websites

www.dutycafe.com and www.dutycafe.xyz - They are Untrustworthy Websites

The websites "dutycafe.com" and "dutycafe.xyz," which claim that their users can earn $10 for every link they visit or refer to a friend, should not be trusted. The untrustworthy websites should not be trusted because it is virtually impossible to pay someone $10 per visit or referral. And, the websites hide their information so there is no way to contact or locate them. Therefore, we currently do not recommend using the websites "www.dutycafe.com" and "www.dutycafe.xyz."

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The Untrustworthy Websites: “www.dutycafe.com” and “www.dutycafe.xyz”

www.dutycafe.com and www.dutycafe.xyz
If you are student, unemployed, use internet daily ?
You use facebook twitter ? YES
Then you can earn every month up to 500$ daily
Earn 10$ for every link visit / referring your friend.

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Mar 22, 2016 at 8:26 AM by
www.dutycafe.com and www.dutycafe.xyz - They are Untrustworthy Websites
an anonymous user from: Newark, New Jersey, United States

It is unfair, dutycafe .xyz, to stuggle posting refer link every day and after earning $382 you say I am suspended and I will not get my reward I worked for you and you dont pay me.


Mar 14, 2016 at 7:57 AM by
www.dutycafe.com and www.dutycafe.xyz - They are Untrustworthy Websites
an anonymous user from: Newark, New Jersey, United States

I joined the website I had 300$ but I didn't get anything and then when I tried to login again they said password and username doesn't match. Why they are playing with us, because we're doing this, because we really need money.


Mar 2, 2016 at 7:47 AM by
www.dutycafe.com and www.dutycafe.xyz - They are Untrustworthy Websites
an anonymous user from: Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain

Sincerely am so disgusted. I worked so hard for my earnings to reach USD316 then I am unable to withdraw. Surely? The web is a scam. Then they tell me options like offers: win an iphone, play game! Did I asked for a game as my reward for working for them. Dutycafe.com is a scam, l repeat dutycafe is a scam. Is a fake business. Scammers


Mar 1, 2016 at 1:24 AM by
www.dutycafe.com and www.dutycafe.xyz - They are Untrustworthy Websites
an anonymous user from: Newark, New Jersey, United States

It is a scam as when I reach the minimum amount to withdraw they block my account. I cant even log in.


Feb 28, 2016 at 1:16 AM by
www.dutycafe.com and www.dutycafe.xyz - They are Untrustworthy Websites
an anonymous user from: Nairobi, Kenya

Sincerely am so disgusted. I worked so hard for my earnings to reach USD300 then I am unable to withdraw. Surely? The web is a scam. Then they tell me options like offers: win an iphone, play game! Did I asked for a game as my reward for working for them. Dutycafe.com is a scam, l repeat dutycafe is a scam.


Feb 24, 2016 at 1:10 AM by
www.dutycafe.com and www.dutycafe.xyz - They are Untrustworthy Websites
an anonymous user from: Reykjavik, Capital Region, Iceland

It is a fake. Mine always reaches $298 and then is reduced to $45.


Feb 24, 2016 at 11:33 AM by
www.dutycafe.com and www.dutycafe.xyz - They are Untrustworthy Websites
an anonymous user from: Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

I join dutycafe and I finish the minimum of 322$, but when I try to withdraw the money, it only shows survey. I need my money.


Feb 20, 2016 at 9:05 AM by
www.dutycafe.com and www.dutycafe.xyz - They are Untrustworthy Websites

Received from an anonymous user via email:

"I join dutycafe and I finish the minimum of 300$, but when I try to withdraw the money, it only shows survey. I need my money."


Feb 19, 2016 at 12:56 AM by
www.dutycafe.com and www.dutycafe.xyz - They are Untrustworthy Websites
an anonymous user from: Newark, New Jersey, United States

Please, what about netsalary.xyz,is it a fake website.


Feb 19, 2016 at 4:57 AM by
www.dutycafe.com and www.dutycafe.xyz - They are Untrustworthy Websites

Yes, it is. <a href="/article/2016/2/19/www-netsalary-xyz-a-fake-work-from-home-website/">Click here</a> for more information.


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www.dutycafe.com and www.dutycafe.xyz - They are Untrustworthy Websites