Online Threat Alerts (OTA)
An anti-cybercrime community alerting the public.

What are Online Threats, Cyber-Threats, Internet Threats or Web Threats?

Online threats, cyber-threats, internet-threats, web threats are threats that use the World Wide Web, cyberspace, or the internet to facilitate cybercrime, which is committed by cybercriminals. These threats use multiple types of malware and fraud, all of which uses links in email, social media posts or instant messaging, or malicious email attachments that contain Trojan horse, spyware, ransomware or other malware used to infect computers or mobile devices.


Cybercriminals use phishing links to trick potential victims into visiting fake or fraudulent websites that are used to steal personal information, online account credentials, and financial information. They also use malware to infect their potential victims' computers, which allow them to illegally gain access to those computers.

Online threats, cyber-threats, internet threats or web threats pose a broad range of risks, including financial damages, identity theft, loss of confidential information/data, theft of network resources, damaged of brand/personal reputation, and erosion of consumer confidence in e-commerce, online banking and other information technology services.

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