Work From Home Scam - "Google Inc. Has Three Positions Available - $75.00 (hour)"
The Google "Work-from-Home" email message below, which claims that the recipients are presented with job offers from Google with a starting salary of $75 an hour, is a scam. The email message is not associated with nor endorsed by Google. The links in the fake email message go to a bogus work-from-home website. Recipients of the fake email message are asked not respond to it or click on any of the link within it.
The Fake Google Work From Home Email Message
From: "Ariana Gongora" -
Date: 4 January 2016 19:22:11 GMT
Subject: Google Inc. has three positions available - $75.00 (hour)
You are being presented with an offer to work with Google Inc.
Google Inc. Logo
Learn more about this position here
This is a limit ed time offer with only a few spots left open. Respond now to secure your spot
Position Summary
Starting paygrade: $75 - an hour
Hours: Set by you
Available Positions: Three (3)
Work from home. No-limits on vacation and no dress code required.
If we do not have a response by 7:00pm EST, this position will no longer be available to you.
Response Required.
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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.