The email message below with the subject: "We Have Recently Encountered A Problem In Your Account," is a phishing scam sent by cyber-criminals to steal their potential victims' Apple user name and password, or credentials. Whatever you do, please do not click on the links in the email message, and enter your username, password, personal and financial information on the fake Apple website that you will be taken to.
The Apple Phishing Email Message
Subject: We have recently encountered a problem in your account
Apple Store
This is an automated email, please do not reply
We've noticed that some of your account information appears to be missing or incorrect We need to verify your account information in order to continue using your Apple ID, Please Verify your account information by clicking on the link below
Verify your lD
Although, the email message appears as if it came from Apple, it was not. So, ensure that you never click on a link in an email message to sign into your Apple account.
Clicking on the link in the email message will take the recipient to a fake or phishing Apple website. The fake website will ask the potential victims to sign in with their Apple accounts' user id, password and then asked to enter their personal and financial information. Now, if the potential victims enter and submit the requested information, it will be sent to the scammers or cybercriminals behind the phishing scam.
With the information that they have collected, the cybercriminals will be able to gain access to victims' account and use it frauduently. They will also steal the victim's money using the financial information that they have collected from them.
Victims who were tricked by the phishing emails, should change their Apple passwords and contact their banks immediately.
There are hundreds of these phishing or fake websites on the internet designed to steal Apple users’ account, personal and financial information. The website above is just one of the many.
So, please ensure that you are on website by looking at your web browser address bar, instead of some fake website designed to trick you into disclosing your account information.
To sign into your Apple account and update your information, please always use the following link:
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