"www.news-doc.com" is a Scamming Website Created By Cyber-crimininals

www.news-doc.com is a Scamming Website Created By Cyber-crimininals

The website: "www.news-doc.com," which claims it is a news consultant of regional and international mass media, founded in Brooklyn, New York City in 2014, and is one of the leading news agency of the USA, is another scamming website created by cyber-criminals. The aim of the website operators is to trick its users into sharing it with their friends and promise them they will be paid.

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The Website: "news-doc.com"


We do not recommend registering with the website, because users of the website run the risk of their personal and financial information being stolen.

Otherwise from the thousands of complaints that we have received about "news-doc.com," the website should not be trusted because they do not provide a secure connection on their registration pages or other sensitive pages, which is used to secure information like your email address and password, when it is sent from your computer to their website. A secure website starts with "https", instead of the standard unsecured "http".

Every legitimate website that deals with personal or financial information must have a secure connection (https://) that is used to protect its users information when it is transmitted over the internet. Remember, always research a website before registering with it.

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"www.news-doc.com" is a Scamming Website Created By Cyber-crimininals