The email message below with the subject: "Payment Summary (Group Certificate) for 2014/15 financial year," is a fake and is malicious. The email is being sent by cyber-criminals and has a virus or a Trojan horse attached to it. Any attempts to open the malicious attachment, will infect your computer with a virus or Trojan horse, which will create a back-door on your computer that will allow cyber-criminals to come in and steal your personal and financial. They may also use it to take control of your computer, which they will use for other fraudulent purposes.
The Fake and Malicious Email Message
Subject: Payment Summary (Group Certificate) for 2014/15 financial year
Attachment: PAYG_EoY_2014_15_50575898
Please find attached a copy of your 2014/15 Payment Summary (Group Certificate).
Note: You will receive a separate payment summary for each Health Agency you worked for during the 2014/15 financial year. Payment Summaries are also available in
Employee Self Service.
Further information, including fact sheets:
For taxation advice and information, visit www.ato
Thank you,
Recruitment and Employee Transactional Services
HealthShare NSW
This message is intended for the addressee named and may contain confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete it and notify the sender.
Views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, and are not necessarily the views of NSW Health or any of its entities.
The attachment: "PAYG_EoY_2014_15_50575898" contains the follow malicious file: "EoY-2014-15-04831806-000718002.scr." Once the malicious file is open,your computer will get infected.
Remember, never open an email attachment that has a name ending with ".zip" from a suspicious email message or from an email message that you were not expecting.
Click here for a list of email attachments that you should never open, regardless of where they came from.