Posts of Jesus and God Being Used by Scammers to Collect Facebook Users Information

Posts of Jesus and God Being Used by Scammers to Collect Facebook Users Information

Scammers are creating Facebook posts about Jesus and God, which encourage Facebook users to "like," share, comment on, by typing "Amen" or some other comments to give thanks. But, Facebook users who follow the instructions in the fake posts run the risk of, scammers collecting and using their publicly available Facebook information in scams, or being placed on spamming lists. For almost all Facebook users, it is hard to tell which posts regarding Jesus or God are legitimate or not, which is why scammers prefer to use those posts.

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Here are a few posts that scammers are using to encourage their potential victims to "like," share or comment on:

Type Amen
“if you’re reading this, I pray something great happens to you today. If you agree, by fakth, type amen”

Proud child of god
“if you’re PROUD to be a CHILD OF GOD type YES below!”

Jesus Carrying a blackman

Incoming Call Jesus
"Jesus - Incoming Call... - Would you pick it up??"

Some scammers may use celebrities like the one below, to encourage their potential victims to “like”, share or comment on their posts.

Janet Jackson

As I have said before, this is only a few of the thousands of posts on Facebook that scammers are using to collect their victims’ information. This collecting of information by scammers is another like-farming, data mining or information-mining scam that we have seen before, which gathers together Facebook users. Remember, it is easier to set a trap and let your prey to come to you, instead of you going out to hunt the prey.

Once the scammers have gathered together enough Facebook users, they will use their publicly available information to make their scams more convincing to their potential victims, by referring to them by their names and providing them with information that the potential victims think only people that they know, would know.

Scammers may also send friend requests to their potential victims, and once the requests are accepted, the scammers will send lottery scam email messages, malicious and phishing links their potential victims. We have seen cases where the scammers cloned a potential victim's Facebook account and send friend requests to the potential victim's friends.

For the spammers, users’ information is like gold. They will continuously send unsolicited messages and emails to their victims. So, Facebook users should be careful of what they like, share and comment on.

Facebook users, who have already liked, commented on, or shared similar posts, can opt out by clicking here for instructions.

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Feb 9, 2016 at 11:42 PM by
Posts of Jesus and God Being Used by Scammers to Collect Facebook Users Information
an anonymous user from: Fair Oaks, California, United States

I noticed lately lots of friend requests from outside USA. I always think they are hacking me. Surgeons, commandants, engineers. From United Kingdom mostly. Where they got my name. My smart mind is telling me they just want my background. Should I worry? Can you pls respond? Or is it too late, if so what should I do. Pls help.


Feb 10, 2016 at 5:33 AM by
Posts of Jesus and God Being Used by Scammers to Collect Facebook Users Information

Getting friend requests do not mean your account was hacked. People on Facebook are allowed to send friend requests, just don't accept requests from people you have not verified are your friends and family.

Also, just ignore requests from strangers or, block or report the people sending them.


Dec 11, 2015 at 8:18 AM by
Posts of Jesus and God Being Used by Scammers to Collect Facebook Users Information
an anonymous user from: Newark, New Jersey, United States

Another waste of electrons. The article says "using their publicly available Facebook information". It's publicly available. The scammers don't need you to do anything in order to mine that info, they could just randomly generate names to put into a Facebook search and get your info anyway.

What I think is ridiculous about these so called scams is the implication that there are no alternatives to get God to hear you other than Facebook. Imagine the desolation before the internet was invented when people had absolutely no way to talk to God.


Jan 2, 2016 at 7:38 PM by
Posts of Jesus and God Being Used by Scammers to Collect Facebook Users Information
an anonymous user from: Nahunta, Georgia, United States

You're right, that was a waste of electrons that could have been better spent on complaining about how it's stupid to look for a cure for cancer because you don't have cancer.


Dec 11, 2015 at 8:44 AM by
Posts of Jesus and God Being Used by Scammers to Collect Facebook Users Information

You are missing the point.

Which is easier, searching for people or letting people come to you? The answer is, letting people come to you. It is hard work to search for people by randomly generating names and hoping that there is someone with that name on Facebook. There are people in the world with names that some of us do not know exists or even know how to spell.

I am on Facebook, can you guess by name? The answer is no. But, if you put something on Facebook and trick me into commenting on it, you will be able to tell what my name is and will be able to send me a friend request.

Remember, it is easier to set a trap and let your prey to come to you, instead of you going out to hunt the prey. Another example is: employers do not go out and look for potential employees, they advertise the job and let the potential employees come to them. Think how hard it is for an employer to go door to door searching for potential employees in every city in the world.


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Posts of Jesus and God Being Used by Scammers to Collect Facebook Users Information