Scammers Collecting Facebook Users’ Information Using Magic Tricks

Scammers Collecting Facebook Users’ Information Using Magic Tricks

Scammers are creating Facebook posts that claim Facebook users should like, share or comment on, in order to see some form of magic trick or see something wonderful happen. But, Facebook users who follow the instructions in the fake posts run the risk of, scammers collecting and using their publicly available Facebook information in scams, or being placed on spamming lists. Remember, liking, sharing and commenting on an image or other Facebook posts will never cause anything magical to happen. Facebook doesn’t support features like that, so if you see a post on your Facebook Wall that asks you to do the same in order to see something magically or amazingly happen, rest assured it is scam.

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Two of the Many Information-Collecting Posts Created by Scammers

Put your finger on any color
Put your finger on any color

Pixilated image of woman
Press "likes" and Type "Y" and See The Magic...

This collecting of information by scammers is another like-farming, data mining or information-mining scam that we have seen before, which collects Facebook users' publicly available information for scammers and spammers. Once scammers have gotten a hold of the information, they will use it to make their scams more convincing to their potential victims, by referring to them by their names and providing them with information that they think only people that they know, would know.

For the spammers, users’ information is like gold. They will continuously send unsolicited messages and emails to their victims. So, Facebook users should be careful of what they like, share and comment on.

Facebook users, who have already liked, commented on, or shared similar posts, can opt out by clicking here for instructions.

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Feb 8, 2018 at 8:21 PM by
Scammers Collecting Facebook Users’ Information Using Magic Tricks
an anonymous user from: Lagos, Nigeria

I have got a similar post on Facebook and I will make sure never to participate in any "like, comment or share" that grow rapidly on Facebook from unknown sources.

Thanks for info.


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Scammers Collecting Facebook Users’ Information Using Magic Tricks