If you have received the email message below with the subject: "Congratulations on your purchase Windows," pleased delete it. This is because it was sent by cyber-criminals and has a virus or a Trojan horse attached to it. Any attempts to open the malicious attachment ("Invoice Windows10 8183768842-en.zip") will infect your computer with a virus or Trojan horse, which will create a back-door on your computer that will allow cyber-criminals to come in and steal your personal and financial. They may also use it to take control of your computer, which they will use for other fraudulent purposes.
The Fake and Malicious Email Message
Subject: Congratulations on your purchase Windows
Attachment: Invoice Windows10 8183768842-en.zip
The invoice for the license windows 10.
Invoice id: 2324737332
License number: 474856257071
License serial number: XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX-P8SXOU-HH4063
Details of the attachment.
Remember, never open an email attachment that has a name ending with ".zip" from a suspicious email message or from an email message that you were not expecting.
Click here for a list of email attachments that you should never open, regardless of where they came from.