"European Company Network 2015/2016" Scam from website "www.ecn-register.org"

European Company Network 2015 2016 Scam from website www.ecn-register.org

The email message below with the subject: "European Company Network 2015/2016" or "European Business Directory Network," which the sender claims the recipients can insert their companies in the European Company Network (ECN) for 2015/2016 by completing and submitting the attached form, is fraudulent and you should not respond to it with your personal information or follow the instructions in it. The email message and the website: "ecn-register.org" are fakes, created by scammers to trick their potential victims into stealing their money, personal and financial information.

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Remember, never send your personal information to anyone in an email message or send money to someone who contacted you via email message.

The Fraudulent Email Message

From: European Company Network (register@ecn-register.org)
Subject: European Company Network 2015/2016
Attachment: ECN-form.pdf


In order to have your company inserted in the European Company Network for 2015/2016, please print, complete and submit the attached form (PDF file) to the following address:

PO BOX 3079

Fax: +31 205 248 107

You can also scan the completed form and attach it in a reply to this email.

Updating is free of charge!

The email contains the following attached form: ECN-form.pdf that the cyber-criminals will ask their potential victims to complete and send to them:

European Company Network form - ECN-form.pdf

Also, avoid visiting the fraudulent website: www.ecn-register.org.

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Oct. 3, 2018 at 6:06 AM by
"European Company Network 2015/2016" Scam from website "www.ecn-register.org"
an anonymous user from: Braga, Portugal

Received this:

"Accounting Department <accounting@accounting-seo.com>

11:56 (Há 9 minutos)

para eu, info

Não sabe a razão pela qual esta mensagem se encontra na pasta Spam?

Denunciou esta mensagem como spam a partir da caixa de entrada.

Dear Sirs,

I have just tried to contact your company by telephone ( 351 962543217) but the call was rejected.

The reason I have called is to confirm that the invoice no. 216210 and our reminders have been received (we have sent them by email and regular post and no communication was received from your side in this regard).

The invoice covers the outstanding Editions for our register delivered on the basis of your 3 - year order dated 22/07/2016, contact person Mr Reinaldo Alves. This is the 3rd and final year of the contract.

Please contact us at your earliest to discuss your account.

Best regards,

Accounting Department"


Aug. 9, 2017 at 3:24 PM by
"European Company Network 2015/2016" Scam from website "www.ecn-register.org"

Here is another scam:

- Forwarded message -

"From: EUBS / Ms Sophie <sophie@eubs-accounting.com>

Date: 2017-08-09 10:43 GMT 01:00

Subject: Due date for the Invoice no. 202782


We hereby inform you that the attached invoice, number 202782, charging your company’s profile insertion into our business register is now issued for payment (due date is 07/08/2017).

The invoice was posted via regular mail the day it was issued (10th of July, 2017) to []. Please confirm postage receipt and accuracy of postal address.

If this email’s recipient is not responsible with payment transfer, we appreciate the forward of message to the department in charge.

In case payment has been transferred by now, please send the proof of wire in reply, for noting the account timely settled.

Thank you for your time and cooperation.

Best regards,

Ms Sophie, Account Manager

Tel: 0031 208-080-789

Fax: 0031 205-248-107"


Dec. 13, 2016 at 12:55 PM by
"European Company Network 2015/2016" Scam from website "www.ecn-register.org"
an anonymous user from: Skopje, Karpoš, Macedonia

Hi again,

ENC have contacted us by telephone threatening us to take legal actions if we do not pay within a few days? Anyone had the same experience? Please advise. Hiding I believe will not solve the problem. We had made the mistake at the beginning. The essence is if they have legal grounds to take us to court. I would appreciate if someone would share their similar experience.




Jan. 11, 2017 at 12:25 PM by
"European Company Network 2015/2016" Scam from website "www.ecn-register.org"
an anonymous user from: Mauá, São Paulo, Brazil

Yes i had the same experience, but all they said is true or false. They will try to rob you. I am in Switzerland! Each month I receive letters and mails, mails, mails, and mails, but the law is with you and against the criminal like them, have a nice day, S. F.


Dec. 13, 2016 at 1:38 PM by
"European Company Network 2015/2016" Scam from website "www.ecn-register.org"

Do not be fooled by scammers who use threats to force their potential victims into sending them money. The organization does not exist, and if they did, they would have already sued this website slander.

If they continue to call you, let them know you are going to report them to the police.


Nov. 16, 2016 at 6:46 AM by
"European Company Network 2015/2016" Scam from website "www.ecn-register.org"

Received via email:

"Even I have been cheated by this "European Business Directory Network - Fradualent Company."

Initially they asked to fill in the Registration Form - Stating it is Free of charge and after receiving the FORM they generated an invoice which was not clarified before hand at all.

They have been repeatedly threatning me to pay my dues with penalty, If I won't they would initiate legal actions against me.

I have attached here with Communication Mails being received.

I would appreciate if you could help me regarding this matter.

Awaiting for your valuable suggestions.



Nov. 9, 2016 at 4:13 AM by
"European Company Network 2015/2016" Scam from website "www.ecn-register.org"
an anonymous user from: Skopje, Karpoš, Macedonia

This is the latest from ECN as an answer to my e-mail to delete us from their database

"Dear хххх

Thank you for your reply.

According to the T&C which governs your company's request we have some procedures to follow.

First, the invoice no. 192211 - for delivered service - needs to be settled in order to take into consideration any other requests from your company.

Let me know when you are ready - as to start the above mentioned.

Best Regards,

Ms Angela

Account Manager"

On 11/9/2016 10:55 AM, хххх wrote:

"Dear Sir/Madam,

We have also attempted to contact you several times by e-mail to cancel our “alleged” order.

Again, we confirm that we cancel any form of order that you may consider and we insist that we are deleted from your database, if uploaded, as we strongly believe that we were tricked into what you consider an order for your services by the forms and the correspondence you sent. We have informed the Union of International Associations, and several other international authorities, as well as our domestic authorities about this cheap attempt to extort funds through such spam attempts.

We are instructing you to delete our company information from your site, if uploaded, and cancel any attempt to invoice us for any services that you may believe you are entitled to by misleading us to this venture.




Nov. 9, 2016 at 4:17 AM by
"European Company Network 2015/2016" Scam from website "www.ecn-register.org"

Never respond to their email messages, because you are only telling them that your email address is active, therefore, they will continue to send you more email scams and spam. The scammers who send out the fake email messages cannot tell if the email addresses that they are sending out to are active or not. So, when you respond, you are telling them that your email address is active.


Oct. 27, 2016 at 8:37 AM by
"European Company Network 2015/2016" Scam from website "www.ecn-register.org"
an anonymous user from: Nairobi, Kenya

The European Companies Network is a sham. They ambush you with the words that they are compiling a register of European companies and would you like to be included. Unknown to you there is some small print at the bottom of the form to the effect that you are agreeing to be a subscriber to a network at a considerable cost.

This is theft and you should not allow yourself to be cheated . Resist at all costs to be lured into the quagmire


Oct. 7, 2016 at 4:30 AM by
"European Company Network 2015/2016" Scam from website "www.ecn-register.org"
an anonymous user from: Gdynia, Pomerania, Poland

WE made the same not reading tiny letters .. just the huge one - free of chargé!

We are going to ignore it but also we are sending official letter with resignation, that we are not willing to be inserted to they network and we are not willing to pay for it.


Oct. 7, 2016 at 6:06 AM by
"European Company Network 2015/2016" Scam from website "www.ecn-register.org"

Do not respond to the email messages. The scammers will know that your email address is active and will continue to send you more fraudulent, or malicious emails,regardless of what you say to them.


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"European Company Network 2015/2016" Scam from website "www.ecn-register.org"