FB will Donate $1 for Every Share for Sick Children Facebook Scams

FB will Donate $1 for Every Share for Sick Children Facebook Scams

Facebook does NOT donate money to sick or starving children when someone likes, shares or comments on photos, statuses, posts, links, videos or any other content. For the past 5 years now, scammers and some heartless and deceitful people have been using pictures of sick and starving children to trick Facebook users into liking, sharing or commenting on their posts in order to make the posts popular.

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Facebook Donation for Share Scams

  • This little baby has cancer and he need money for surgery
    Facebook has decided to help by giving
    1 Like = 2 dollars . 1 Comment = 4 dolllars . 1 Share = 8 dollars
    Please dont scroll down without typing Amen

  • I’m not asking you to like this
    But please do share as Facebook donates $1 for these sick children for every single share
  • FB will donate $1 for every share for sick children
  • I’m not asking you to like this
    But please do share because Facebook donates $1
    For these sick children for every single share

If you have received a message stating Facebook is donating money to a child if you like, share or comment on some content, please do not follow the instructions in the message, instead, report it to Facebook.

Please share with your family and friends help stop the heartless and deceitful people from exploiting children who are in serious need of care.

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Feb. 26, 2023 at 10:58 PM by
FB will Donate $1 for Every Share for Sick Children Facebook Scams
an anonymous user from: San Antonio, Texas, United States

There should more warnings of amens and this on Facebook as so many kind hearted people unknowingly fall for it.

Thank you.


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FB will Donate $1 for Every Share for Sick Children Facebook Scams