www.multitrendo.com (Multi Trendo) - Is this a Trustworthy Website?

www.multitrendo.com (Multi Trendo) - Is this a Trustworthy Website?

Currently, the website: "multitrendo.com," which goes by the name "Multi Trendo", should not be trusted. We do not recommend that you register with the website, because you may put yourself at risk when you provide them with your personal and financial information.

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The Website: "multitrendo.com" - Multi Trendo

 multitrendo.com - Multi Trendo

The website should not be trusted because they do not provide a secure connection on their registration pages or other sensitive pages, which is used to secure information like your email address and password information, when it is sent from your computer to their website.

A secure website starts with "https", instead of the standard unsecured "http".

Every legitimate website that deals with personal or financial information must have a secure connection (https://) that is used to protect its users information when it is transmitted over the internet.

Remember, always research a website before registering with it.

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Apr. 13, 2019 at 10:21 PM by
www.multitrendo.com (Multi Trendo) - Is this a Trustworthy Website?
an anonymous user from: Quebrada de Yoro, Yoro, Honduras

Tengo mas de 23,ooo$ y multitrendo lo que hizo fue eliminar el Chat para que no les siguiera preguntando cuando iban a pagar por estar leyendo noticias. Yo sigo esperando que digan algo y acumulando mas dinero cada dia. Es una estafa esto? Quien se beneficia de nuestro trabajo?


I have more than 23, ooo$ and multitrendo what he did was remove the Chat so he did not keep asking them when they were going to pay to be reading the news.

I keep waiting for them to say something and accumulate more money every day. Is this a scam? Who benefits from our work?


Jan. 16, 2019 at 9:36 AM by
www.multitrendo.com (Multi Trendo) - Is this a Trustworthy Website?
an anonymous user from: Haarlem, North Holland, Netherlands

this company is not right ... can you clarify about this ... in the remaining info 1 news $1072 will be sent ... but why not send it instead I have to read 88 more news so that $1072 is sent!


Jan. 16, 2019 at 10:01 AM by
www.multitrendo.com (Multi Trendo) - Is this a Trustworthy Website?

It is a scam. No news company can payout so much money just to read articles.


Jul. 22, 2015 at 11:45 AM by
www.multitrendo.com (Multi Trendo) - Is this a Trustworthy Website?
an anonymous user from: Santa Catarina Pinula, Guatemala, Guatemala

I guess we're all wasting our time. Does anyone knows of a different site to look for which offers the same service?


Jun. 17, 2015 at 10:28 PM by
www.multitrendo.com (Multi Trendo) - Is this a Trustworthy Website?
an anonymous user from: New York, United States

I read all the comments below saying that MultI Trendo is a scam. I wish I would've researched more before I started wasting my time on their website. I was soooooo close to the payout amount of $2300.00 that I went ahead and kept reading articles until I reached it anyway.

I just now requested a payout (6/17/15) and have 11 people working under me, so according to their site, I should have payment within 24-48 hours I'd imagine. Unfortunately, I'm not counting on this money or have any real hope that I'll receive anything but I decided it couldn't hurt to try since I was so close. lol. I'll let you all know if I get paid, but I HIGHLY DOUBT anything will happen... here's to that .000001% of hope left within me.


Jun. 20, 2015 at 10:40 AM by
www.multitrendo.com (Multi Trendo) - Is this a Trustworthy Website?
an anonymous user from: Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States

Asked for payout of $1500 on May 24, 2015. Now, the site says $2300 MIN. I have been waiting for the 14th day of June? July? I might be waiting till the end of time it seems. I check my PayPal account time to time but no luck on payment.


Jun. 22, 2015 at 9:38 PM by
www.multitrendo.com (Multi Trendo) - Is this a Trustworthy Website?
an anonymous user from: Parkersburg, West Virginia, United States

Some lady told me that she received the first payment of $1500 but took her almost 3 weeks to get it.


Jun. 23, 2015 at 3:20 AM by
www.multitrendo.com (Multi Trendo) - Is this a Trustworthy Website?

That is not true. They are only attempting to trick you.


Jun. 7, 2015 at 11:32 PM by
www.multitrendo.com (Multi Trendo) - Is this a Trustworthy Website?
an anonymous user from: Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia

Anyone of you have received payment from the website? My last payment due date was on 25 May 2015... until now I have not received anything.


Jun. 14, 2015 at 12:45 PM by
www.multitrendo.com (Multi Trendo) - Is this a Trustworthy Website?
an anonymous user from: Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States

Today is June 14, 2015. I was wishing maybe this could be payday! Apparently, its not going to be anything other than another regular day.


Jun. 11, 2015 at 11:25 PM by
www.multitrendo.com (Multi Trendo) - Is this a Trustworthy Website?
an anonymous user from: Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States

I submitted for pay out on may 25, 2015. Yet, there is a new message stating get 5 people to join and get paid that same day instead of waiting for the 14th day of what?

Also the site pushed the amount up too $2300 as minimum amount to be paid out? Is the payout date the 14th? Yet,my entire email was entered but only shows partial on the login site.

Waiting patiently to see if anything happens on June 14?

Who knows...What will happen? Scam or not?


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www.multitrendo.com (Multi Trendo) - Is this a Trustworthy Website?