If you are asked to complete the survey below: "2015 Annual Visitor Survey," please do not participate in it, because it is a trick to get online users to purchase products, services, complete questionnaires or surveys, by pretending to offer them rewards which are actual advertisements. The fake Chrome Opinion Survey is not associated with Google and the website that displays the survey will receive compensation for the products or services that they have tricked online users into purchasing.
The main purpose of the fake survey is to make online users think they will get a reward for taking it, but the rewards shown at the end of the survey are advertisements that the people who have created the survey will get paid for, once the online users purchase the products or services that are being advertised.
The Fake Google Chrome Survey or Questionnaire
Dear Chrome user,
You are today’s lucky visitor for:
Please complete this short survey and to say “Thank You” we’ll give you a chance to win HD Streaming Movies®!
2015 Annual Visitor Survey
Chrome Opinion Survey
You’ve been personally selected to take part in our 2015 Annual Visitor Survey! Tell us what you think of Chrome and to say “Thank You” you’ll receive a chance to win HD Streaming Movies®!
Question 1 of 4:
How often do you use Chrome?
That's it, all done! Thank you for your participation.
As we submit the answers to your questions, we are checking our inventory to see what we can offer you as a way of saying "thank you" for answering our survey questions.
Thank you for your participation, we have the following products today: .
You may choose only (1) product of the list below.
This Survey is an Advertisement. Your privacy is important to us. We do not collect your personal information in this questionnaire. Please review our Privacy Policy and Terms. No browser has not authored, participated in, or in any way reviewed this advertisement or authorized it. This website receives compensation for purchase of products featured. Products have important terms and conditions, please read all products terms and conditions before ordering any product.