Online Threat Alerts (OTA)
An anti-cybercrime community alerting the public.

Fake Amazon Prime Bonus, Reward, Voucher and Promotional Credit Emails

The email messages below, which claim that the recipients have received an Amazon $50 bonus, reward, voucher or credit that they can redeem, by clicking on the link in the same email messages before it expires, are fakes. Every month, thousands of these email messages are sent out by scammers to trick their potential victims into visiting phishing and malicious websites created by cyber-criminals to steal their victims' personal and financial information, and infect their computers with malicious software like viruses and Trojan horse.


The Fake and Phishing Amazon Prime Emails

********** *********** **********
$50 Amazon Promotional Credit
********** ************ *********

Amazon Prime Member

This week and weekend only we have a $50 Bonus for all Amazon and Amazon-Prime members. (Expires November 5, 2015)

Go here to redeem your Amazon Voucher now- .loan/claimhere

Thanks again for shopping with us.

Amazon, Earth's Biggest Selection

--------- ------------- ------------
Checkout Voucher No. 9617549
Member ID: VO20536730
--------- -------------- -----------

It claimed to be from "Amazon-Subscriber-Services" and the subject was:

RE: Amazon Customer Appreciation Reward expires 11.04.2015, No. 9617549

Re: Congratulations on your Amazon Prime Voucher, No. 3454254

Amazon Customer Service

Oct 26

Other recipients:

********** *********** **********
$50 Amazon Prime Reward
********** *********** **********

Amazon Customer

This week and weekend only we have a $50 Bonus for all Amazon and Amazon-Prime members. (Expires October 27, 2015)

Go here to redeem your Amazon Reward now- http://grabitnow.boujm .win/begin

Thanks again for shopping with us.

Amazon, Earth's Biggest Selection

--------- ------------- ------------
Checkout Voucher No. 3454254
Member ID: WE21655489
--------- ------------- ------------

Subject: Attention: Don't Let Your Amazon Prime Bonus expire October 30, 2015, No. 24779257

********** *********** **********
$50 Amazon Promotional Credit
********** *********** **********

Amazon Prime Member

This week and weekend only we have a $50 Bonus for all Amazon and Amazon-Prime members. (Expires 31Oct15)

Go here to redeem your Amazon Bonus today: http://amazon.gohereherevibe .win/redeemnow

Thanks again for shopping with us.

Amazon, Earth's Biggest Selection

--------- ------------- ------------
Checkout Bonus No. 24779257
Member ID: CN2739561
--------- ------------- ------------

Subject: Today Only: Don't Let Your Amazon Points expire

********** *********** **********
$50 Amazon Prime Bonus Points
********** *********** **********

Amazon Prime Member sipb-afsreq-mtg@charon.

This week and weekend only we have a $50 Bonus for all Amazon and Amazon-Prime members. (Expires 10/25/2015)

Go here to redeem your Amazon Reward now- .win/begin

Thanks again for shopping with us.

Amazon, Earth's Biggest Selection

--------- ------------- ------------
Checkout Reward No. 20530664
Member ID: BT15268945
--------- ------------- ------------

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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