"Take 1 Minute Survey to get a 500 Starbucks Voucher"

Take 1 Minute Survey to get a 500 Starbucks Voucher

Recipients of the post or WhatsApp message below, which claims that they can take a 1-minute survey to get a 500 Starbucks voucher, is a scam. Please be alerted that the $500 voucher is not an official promotion or offer from Starbucks. Starbucks customers should exercise caution before clicking on links and sharing their personal information online. The Starbucks voucher scam is currently located at the following fraudulent website: "starbucks.giftcard-promotions.com," but may appear on other websites, as so as the current website is discovered and taken down.

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The Starbucks Voucher Scam

Starbucks Voucher

Starbucks Survey Voucher Scam

Take 1 minute survey to get a 500 Starbucks Voucher!


Congratulations! How to get your 500 Starbucks Voucher?

Tell 10 friends on WHATSAPP about the Starbucks survey!

Step 1: Click 10x on the SHARE button (don't forget to press the 'back/home' button to continue!)
Step 2: Click on CONTINUE and enter your shipping details.

Share 10x and then..


This offer is valid for 233 seconds!

We have (14) Starbucks Vouchers left. No double registrations found. Qualifier for 500 Voucher.

The Starbucks scam was created by cyber-criminals to steal their victims’ personal information and trick them into sharing the same scam with their friends, by claiming that the potential victims need to do so in order to receive a 500 Starbucks voucher. But, sharing the scam will only spread it to other potential victims, which is what the cyber-criminals behind the scam want.

The scam may also take victims to dangerous websites, where their computers may get infected with a virus, Trojan horse or some other malware. So, this is why it is important to take precaution before clicking on links in email messages or on social media websites.

Also, internet users who have already submitted their personal information on the fake Starbucks website will receive spam and malicious email messages, which will attempt to trick them into sending their money, in order to receive some form of prize, or infect their computers with viruses, Trojan horse or other malicious and fake software.

Remember, to tell if Starbucks vouchers, coupons, gift cards or a promotions are authentic, please ask them at their legitimate Facebook page located at:

Facebook users, who have already shared the fake Starbucks voucher offer, may click here for instructions on how to remove things they have already posted on Facebook. Also, if the scam appears on their Facebook Timeline or Wall, they can report it to Facebook as spam.

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Dec. 7, 2016 at 9:59 AM by
"Take 1 Minute Survey to get a 500 Starbucks Voucher"

Received via email:

"Hello sir/madam, Unfortuntaley, I have completed fake starbucks voucher on iphone.It tried to direct me but on ios that they couldn't.I had written just my name and mail.Something bad could happen?"


Dec. 7, 2016 at 10:12 AM by
"Take 1 Minute Survey to get a 500 Starbucks Voucher"

No, but they will contact you and attempt to scam you, therefore, just be careful next time.


Nov. 4, 2016 at 9:16 AM by
"Take 1 Minute Survey to get a 500 Starbucks Voucher"

Here are two more fake websites that should not be visited:




Mar. 20, 2016 at 12:46 AM by
"Take 1 Minute Survey to get a 500 Starbucks Voucher"
an anonymous user from: Kigali, Rwanda

Starbucks Voucher

Starbucks Survey Voucher Scam


Nov. 21, 2015 at 4:03 AM by
"Take 1 Minute Survey to get a 500 Starbucks Voucher"
an anonymous user from: London, England, United Kingdom

"next.giftcard-promotions.com" was just sent to me in the UK.


Nov. 21, 2015 at 7:25 AM by
"Take 1 Minute Survey to get a 500 Starbucks Voucher"

It is another scam. Anything from the website: "giftcard-promotions.com" is a scam.


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"Take 1 Minute Survey to get a 500 Starbucks Voucher"