The website: "," which the owners claim is a large-scale marketing and referral company in the United States of America, is a scam. The website trick potential victims into joining by claiming there is no fee to join and that visitors can earn money performing certain tasks and activities that are given to them. But, do not register with GoPaidMonthly Inc or similar websites like it, because the scammers who operate the website will never pay their users; they will just take all the money earned by their users for themselves.
The website "" is similar to the,,, and lot of other fake online job websites. All the scammers did was to change the name of the website and the content.
The Fake Internet Job Website

GoPaidMonthly Inc is a large-scale marketing and referral company in the United States of America. It was founded in 2010 and paying its members for doing tasks and activities which are given to them. Join the website and perform your task to get earn. There is no any fee, no any membership fee and no any paid thing. All is free... The main thing is your passion to the completion of task and promote to the friends.
If you are student, un-employed, use internet daily ?
You use facebook, Google+ or twitter ? YES
Then you can earn every month from up to 500$ daily
Earn 5$ for every link visit / opening by your friend
Also, the website should not be trusted because it does not provide a secure connection on its registration page or other sensitive pages, which is used to secure information like your name, address, email and password, when you submit it to them. A secure website starts with "https", instead of the standard unsecured "http". Every legitimate website that deals with personal and financial information must have a secure connection (https://) that is used to protect its users information when it is transmitted over the internet.
These scammers will continue to use the same website under different website names. So, if you stumble upon a website looking like the one above, please do not register or take part in any activity on it.
The website is similar to the following websites: