"www.giftcard-promotions.com" is a Fraudulent Website Created by Scammers

www.giftcard-promotions.com is a Fraudulent Website Created by Scammers

"www.giftcard-promotions.com" is a fake survey-taking, voucher and gift giveaway website that should not be trusted. The fraudulent website was created by scammers to trick their potential victims into taking surveys and sharing the same fake website with their friends either through WhatsApp, Facebook or other social media websites, by promising them gifts, vouchers and other prizes. But, the surveys were created by scammers to harvest their potential victims’ personal information, to be used to scam them and to make the fake website popular, by promising visitors to the website gifts, if they share with at least 10 friends.

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The Fake Survey Offers on “giftcard-promotions.com”

giftcard-promotions.com - £500 Next Voucher

Take 1 minute survey to get a £500 Next Voucher!

Next is expanding in Cannock. Because of this we need your feedback.

Answer 4 simple questions to qualify for 1 of the (150 available) £500 Next Vouchers!

Are you a regular Next customer?


Starbucks Voucher

Take 1 minute survey to get a 500 Starbucks Voucher!


Congratulations! How to get your 500 Starbucks Voucher?

Tell 10 friends on WHATSAPP about the Starbucks survey!

Step 1: Click 10x on the SHARE button (don't forget to press the 'back/home' button to continue!)

Step 2: Click on CONTINUE and enter your shipping details.

Share 10x and then..


This offer is valid for 233 seconds!

We have (14) Starbucks Vouchers left. No double registrations found. Qualifier for 500 Voucher.

None of the surveys on the fake website is authentic. So, please do not attempt to follow the instructions on the website, because it doesn’t matter how much survey you complete or how many times you share the scam with your friends, they will never receive what you were promised.

Also, the comments on the website are bogus. The comments were placed on the website by scammers to make it more convincing to online users that the fake website is legitimate.

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"www.giftcard-promotions.com" is a Fraudulent Website Created by Scammers