The fake British Telecommunications (BT) email message below: "1 MESSAGE – BT," was sent by cyber-criminals to trick BT customers into clicking on the link within it, which will take them to a fake BT website, where they will be asked to sign into their accounts. The fake website will then send their account credentials or login information to the cyber-criminals behind the fake website and email message, if they attempt to sign in.
With their victims' credentials, the cyber-criminals will gain access to their victims' accounts, steal money from them and use them in other fraudulent ways.
The Fake British Telecommunications (BT) Email
From: BT []
Subject: 1 MESSAGE – BT
Importance: High
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We're making some changes
Thanks for staying with BT. We're always looking for ways to give you more. That's why we're introducing things like the chance to serve you better and improve our services.
To keep bringing you our best products, we do have to upgrade our system follow below to acknowledge this notice,and update your details.
Thanks for choosing BT.
Libby Barr
Managing Director, Customer Care
Please don't 'reply'
Sorry, we don't check this mailbox. Please see the 'Contact us' link below if you need to get in touch.
Remember, never click on a link to sign into your online accounts. Always go directly to the website by typing the website’s name in your browser’s address bar, in this case, and sign into your account from there.
For persons who were tricked into clicking on the link in the fake email ,messages, who were taken the fake website, and who attempted to sign in, please change your BT account password immediately and report the scam to BT.