Domain Name Suspension Notice for the Violation of Dynadot LLC Abuse Policy

Domain Name Suspension Notice for the Violation of  Dynadot LLC Abuse Policy

The fake email message below: "Domain Suspension Notice," which appears as if it came from Dynadot LLC, is being sent by cyber-criminals to trick their potentials victims into clicking on the malicious link within it. The malicious link goes to a malicious website that will attempt to trick the potential victims into downloading malicious software that will infect their computers with a virus, Trojan horse or other malware.

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The Fake and Malicious Dynadot LLC Ltd Email Message

Subject: Domain [domain name removed] Suspension Notice

Dear Sir/Madam,

The following domain names have been suspended for violation of the DYNADOT LLC Abuse Policy:

Domain Name: [removed]
Registrar: DYNADOT LLC
Registrant Name: [removed]

Multiple warnings were sent by DYNADOT LLC Spam and Abuse Department to give you an opportunity to address the complaints we have received.

We did not receive a reply from you to these email warnings so we then attempted to contact you via telephone.

We had no choice but to suspend your domain name when you did not respond to our attempts to contact you.

Click here [LINK] and download a copy of complaints we have received.

Please contact us for additional information regarding this notification.

Spam and Abuse Department
Abuse Department Hotline: 480-124-0101

The cybercriminals behind the malicious email message aim is to trick the curious recipients into clicking onto the link within the email, downloading and opening a malicious file, which will infect their computers with a virus or Trojan horse. Once their computers have become infected with a Trojan horse or some other malware, the cybercriminals behind this email message will be able to access and take control of their computers remotely from anywhere around the world. They may spy on them, use their computers to commit cyber-crimes, or steal their personal and financial information.

Now, if you have already clicked on the link, downloaded and open the malicious file, please do a full scan of your computer with the antivirus software installed on it. If you don’t have antivirus software installed on your computer, please click here for a list of free antivirus software.

Click here for a list of email attachments you should never open, regardless of where they came from.

For a list of other virus email messages, please click here.

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Domain Name Suspension Notice for the Violation of Dynadot LLC Abuse Policy