The website: "," which claims that you can earn $1500 in your first week by simply completing certain tasks in 5 to 10 minutes, is a scam. Do not register with websites like "," because you will never get paid, and will only make the scammers behind the fake websites get richer.
The website is similar to the, and lot of other fake online job websites. All the scammers did was to change the name of the website.
The Fake Internet Job Website: is a new innovating and internet job site, where you will be hired to do some tasks, different in type and number. and you will be paid a estimated reward for that instant in your account, after it the job poster will review the service and approve the status for your payout, then you will be paid for your work via Cheque.
Other Payment options are also coming soon. You have to create a account with us to start and login to your member area, and do daily your jobs and you will be really great after using our service.
The cyber-criminals behind the scam will continue to use the same website under different website names. So, if you stumble upon a website looking like the one above, please do not register or take part in any activity on it.
This fake website is similar to the following: