"Get FREE $100 JCPenney Coupon" Facebook Scam

Get FREE $100 JCPenney Coupon Facebook Scam

Here is another scam Facebook users should beware of: "Get FREE $100 JCPenney Coupon." The fraudulent post was created to lure Facebook users to the fraudulent website: "winterg.pw," by claiming they can get a $100 JCPenney Coupon. But, there is no $100 JCPenney coupon, and it is only a scam to get Facebook users to comment on, "like" or share the same deceptive post that is spreading the fake coupon, with their friends. The scam will also attempt to trick potential victims into completing surveys, which the scammers will get paid for.

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If you have received the same fake coupon on your Facebook Wall or Timeline, please report it to Facebook. And, do not visit the fraudulent website: www.winterg.pw, where the Facebook post containing the fake coupon will take Facebook users who have clicked on it.

The Fake $100 JCPenney Coupon

fake JCPENNY Coupon

Get FREE $100 JCPenney Coupon (Only Few Left)
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$110 or more
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Now, by liking,commenting on, and sharing the scam, you are only helping to spread it to other Facebook users and making the scammers responsible for it earn money. Scammers earn money when they make a page popular and are able to sell it to the highest bidder, along with the names and other public information of the persons who liked or shared the scam. So, if you have already liked, commented on, or shared this scam, please unlike, remove your comment and 'unshare' it.

Also, they may ask you to complete surveys in order to receive your coupon. But, it doesn't matter how many surveys you complete, you will never receive any coupons. The scammers, on the other hand, will get paid for each competed survey.

Click here for instructions on how to remove things you have already posted on Facebook.

To tell if a JCPenney coupon, gift card or a promotion is authentic, please ask them at their legitimate Facebook page located at:

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"Get FREE $100 JCPenney Coupon" Facebook Scam