Every day thousands of part-time job seekers are tricked into working free for scammers or lose money signing up with fake job recruiting websites. With so many fake websites offering online part-time jobs, work-from-home jobs, and get-rich-quick schemes, we have decided to list some of the most reputable websites where part-time job seekers may go to earn extra money, without leaving their 9 to 5 jobs. Some people are making so much money using the websites below that it has been become their full-time jobs.
Remember, there is no easy way of making money, so do not be fooled by cyber-criminals who are offering get-rich-quick and other money making schemes online. They are the only one who will benefit from such schemes.
Always ask yourself these questions and think about the answer(s):
- If it was so easy to make money, wouldn’t we all be rich?
- Why are these scammers who claim that they have made so much money with their services and are now millionaires, want to charge you a fee or sell you something? Aren’t they already rich and should be giving away the service or their money making secrets for free?
There is only one answer to those questions, and it is to use you to make money, which in turn will make them rich and you broke, feeling cheated and hopeless.
Below are a list of reputable websites that you may register with and use to make some extra money on the side, or make your full-time job.
Legitimate Websites You Can Use to Make Money Online
- www.freelancer.com
Freelancer.com is the world's largest freelancing, outsourcing and crowdsourcing marketplace by number of users and projects. They connect over 14,344,234 employers and freelancers globally from over 247 countries, regions and territories. Through our marketplace, employers can hire freelancers to do work in areas such as software development, writing, data entry and design right through to engineering, the sciences, sales and marketing, accounting and legal services.
- www.fiverr.com
Fiverr is a global online marketplace offering tasks and services, beginning at a cost of $5 per job performed, from which it gets its name. The site is primarily used by freelancers who use Fiverr to offer a variety of different services, and by customers to buy those services.
- www.elance.com
Freelancers search Elance's website for jobs and can research clients' buying histories on the system. Each freelancer can post a profile displaying past jobs and feedback, a portfolio, and specific skill and educational-background information.[13] Registered free users are allowed to submit a limited number of proposals each month while those on paid membership plans can submit additional proposals. Elance offers payment guarantee once work is done using the Elance system.
- www.odesk.com
oDesk allows clients to interview, hire and work with freelancers and agencies through the company's platform.[9] Prospective clients can post jobs for free, and freelancers may create profiles and bid on jobs, also for free.[10] The company collects 10 percent of the payment.[11] Payments are made through oDesk, which handles many bookkeeping tasks for the transaction. The transactions are transferred into the contractors' accounts after a 6-day safety period. The company's site is entirely in English, and all transactions are made in U.S. dollars.
- www.italki.com
italki is an educational technology website that helps foreign language learners connect with online teachers and native-speaking language partners. italki users are able to search for a freelance teacher, schedule and pay for language lessons. italki teachers are able to create a profile, and build a personal reputation.
- www.RelayRides.com
RelayRides is a peer-to-peer carsharing marketplace. It allows private car-owners to rent out their vehicles via an online interface. Car owners can set their own prices, and the company takes 25%.
- www.Textbroker.com
Textbroker is the leading article and content writing service. You can make money by becoming an author for Textbroker.