Open24 / Permanent TSB Software Upgrade Phishing or Fake Email Message
The phishing Open24 / Permanent TSB email message below is an attempt by cyber-criminals to steal Open24 / Permanent online banking users' credentials, financial and personal information, which includes Open24 Number, Internet Password, Personal Access Number, Mobile Number, Date of birth, Card number, Card expiration date, Card CVV, name and address.
The Open24 / Permanent TSB Phishing Email
Fwd: Software Upgrade
Dear Open24 Customer,
In order to help us protect our main line of defense against intruders; you will need to update your account through our secured server, in line to safe internet banking regulatory Requirements.
To proceed, simply follow the link below:
Kind regards
The link in the fake Open24 / Permanent TSB goes to a fake webpage created by cyber-criminals on a compromised website, to trick their potential victims into entering your personal and banking information on it. If the potential victims enter their information on the fake website, it will be sent to the cyber-criminals behind the phishing email message, who will use it to hijack the victims’ accounts. They (cyber-criminals) may steal the victims’ money and use their accounts fraudulently.
Never click on a link in an email message to sign into your online banking account or update your banking account’s information. Open24 / Permanent TSB customers should always go to to sign into accounts or update their account information.
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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.