Virus - Department of Federal Police Subpoena INVESTIGATIVE No. 5060201320CM6

Virus - Department of Federal Police Subpoena INVESTIGATIVE No. 5060201320CM6

The email message below with the subject: "Subpoena INVESTIGATIVE No. 5060201320CM6," has a link to a virus or Trojan horse that will infect your Windows computer if you open it. The message was designed to trick the recipients into clicking on the malicious link, disguised as an attached Subpoena. So, if you receive the same email message, please do not attempt to click on the link within it.

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The Virus Email Message

Subpoena INVESTIGATIVE No. 5060201320CM6 !!! (51453)

INTIMACAO DE INVESTIGATÓRIO N.º 5060201320CM6 !!! (51453)


No subpoena. The 89214020. PUBLIC FEDERAL MINISTRY, in performing its institutional functions, based on Articles 229 and 241, section VI of the federal constitution and article 61, section VII of the supplementary law n, 676, of May 28, 1998, INTIMATE Your Lordship to attend this Regional Prosecutor of the Republic --- Attendance Date 12/09/2014 (Friday) at 11:00 AM

CASE No.:5602103230CM .
PRECENÇA IT: Disabled .


© Copyright Department of Federal Police - DPF.
coordination of Information Technology - CTI, Brasília-DF

The link in the email message will take the victims to the malicious website below:

  • hxxp://64.186.146 .82/ planilha/Planilha.php ?e=INTIMACAO-MPF

Once the victims are taken to the malicious website, they will be asked to download a zip or compressed file (SUBPOENA-MPF.ZIP) that contains a virus or a Trojan horse that will infect their computers.

Once their computers have become infected with this malicious Trojan horse, the cybercriminals behind this email message will be able to access and take control of their computers remotely from anywhere around the world. They may spy on them, use their computers to commit cybercrimes, or steal their personal and financial information.

Now, if you have already downloaded a file from the malicious website, please do a full scan of your computer with the antivirus software installed on it.

If you don’t have antivirus software installed on your computer, please click here for a list of free antivirus software.

Click here for a list of email attachments you should never open, regardless of where they came from.

For a list of other virus email messages, please click here.

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Virus - Department of Federal Police Subpoena INVESTIGATIVE No. 5060201320CM6