Samsung Galaxy S5 and S6 Auto Car Wrap Advertising Offers

Samsung Galaxy S5 and S6 Auto Car Wrap Advertising Offers

The Samsung Galaxy S5 and S6 Auto Car Wrap Advertising offers below are scams. Scammers are sending out Car Wrap advertising scam to thousands of persons via an email message, Craigslist, and other advertising media. The scams claim that vehicle owners with a driver's license can be paid $200 or more weekly via check or cheque to have their vehicle wrapped with an advertisement.

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The Fake Samsung Galaxy S5 and S6 Vehicle Wrap Advertising Scams

Hello make $400 weekly for carrying an advert on
compensation: $400
carrying an advert on your car,truck or vehicle ...text preferred (615) 669-6834 for more details
do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers


We are currently seeking to employ individual's world wide. How would you like to make money by simply driving your car advertising for SAMSUNG .

How it works?

Here's the basic premise of the "paid to drive" concept: SAMSUNG seeks people -- regular citizens,professional drivers to go about their normal routine as they usually do, only with a big advert for new "SAMSUNG GALAXY S5" plastered on your car or truck.

The ads aretypically vinyl decals, also known as "auto wraps,"that almost seem to be painted on the vehicle, and which will cover any portion of your car's exterior surface.

What does the company get out of this type of ad strategy? Lots of exposure and awareness. The auto wraps tend to be colorful, eye-catching and attract lots of attention. Plus, it's a form of advertising with a captive audience,meaning people who are stuck in traffic can't avoid seeing the wrapped car alongside them.

This program will last for 3 months and the minimum you can participate is 7 weeks.

You will be compensated with $400 per week which is essentially a "rental"payment for letting SAMSUNG use the space no fee is required from you SAMSUNG shall provide experts that would handle the advert placing on your car/truck.

It is very easy and simple , no application fees required contact email along with the following if you are interested in these offer.

Do you have a driver's license?
Full Name:
Zip code:

Make of car/truck year:
Exterior Color of car/truck:
Telephone numbers:

We will contact you immediately we receive this information.

Kind Regards!
(R)SAMSUNG GALAXY S5 Corporation, USA. All rights reserved..SAMSUNG GALAXY S5

Sent By: Samsung Galaxy S6 New Version

Good Day. We are currently seeking to employ individual’s in United State to participate In our New Samsung Galaxy S6 product launching and advertisement. How would you Participate? Read Below

Do you have a reliable CAR, BIKE or TRUCK? If yes you can Participate. New Samsung Galaxy S6 advertising department seeks Individual -- Regular citizens, professional drivers to go about their normal routine as they usually do, only with a big advert for "Samsung Galaxy S6 LAUNCHING" plastered on your Car, Bike or Truck. The ads are typically vinyl decals, also known as" Auto Wraps, "that almost seem to be painted on the vehicle and which will cover any portion of your car's exterior surface.

....last for 3 months and the minimum you can participate is 1 month.

You will be compensated with $450 per week which is essentially a "Rental" payment for letting our company use the space, No fee is required from you, Samsung Advertising department shall provide experts that would handle the advert placing on your car. You will receive your first week upfront payment of $450 inform of check Via UNITED POSTAL Service for accepting to carry this advert on your car.

NOTE: We are not asking you to drive to different location. You are to continue driving your car to the normally location the way you normally do and this can not cost any damage to your car. If there is any damage incured during the process, the company will be responsible for any damages.

It is very easy and simple, No application fees required. If you are interested in these offer. Reply back to this email along with the following information so your application can be review.

Full Name:

The scammers behind the fraudulent scheme will send you fake checks, ask you to take your share of the money and wire the rest to a graphic designer. But, the checks are fakes and will bounce. The wired money will actually go to the scammers behind this fraudulent scheme. You will then be left to pay back the bank the wired amount and other charges associated with the processing of the check.

Whenever you receive offers that are too good to be true, please do your research before participating, even if the offers seem legitimate.

This scam is similar to the following:

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Mar. 14, 2019 at 9:44 PM by
Samsung Galaxy S5 and S6 Auto Car Wrap Advertising Offers
an anonymous user from: Bedford, Texas, United States

playing the game, wanted to see what they did,

I have cell number, prob burner phone

they are texting me from 740-229-9575.

Recived check for 2287.00.

wont give company name or address... scammers. They never give up.


Feb. 26, 2019 at 9:51 AM by
Samsung Galaxy S5 and S6 Auto Car Wrap Advertising Offers
an anonymous user from: Winston-Salem, North Carolina, United States

I received the Samsung "deal." It offered me $500 a week, for a minimum of 1 month or I could choose 3 months.

About a week after I clicked on it for information, I received a FedEx letter with a check for $2,600 drawn on United Federal Credit Union of Saint Joseph, Michigan. Of course, the signer of the check was illegible.

Included was a slip of paper telling me to "Please text the below information to 402-370-8146 for further instruction immediately you received the payment.

It wanted me to include: "Your full name, Check No. and Amount on the check." Wouldn't the people issuing the check know this already?

I reported it to my local Better Business Bureau and in searching that phone number, found a listing on "Ripoff Reports" about the same scam involving other manufacturers.


Apr. 11, 2018 at 1:33 PM by
Samsung Galaxy S5 and S6 Auto Car Wrap Advertising Offers
an anonymous user from: Dallas, Texas, United States

I have received the following email and want to share with others so they may be aware of this scam. I also included the scammer's email address.

"Samsung Advertisement 2018 <>

To: Me

Mar 1 at 5:36 AM


We are currently seeking to employ in the USA. How would you

like to make money by simply driving your car advertising for SAMSUNG?

How it works

Here’s the basic premise of the "paid to drive" concept: SAMSUNG seeks people regular citizens,professional drivers to go about their

normal routine as they usually do, only with a small advert for "SAMSUNG S9" plastered on your car. The advert are typically vinyl

decals, also known as "auto wraps,"that almost seem to be painted on the vehicle, and which will cover any portion of your car's exterior surface.

What does the company get out of this type of ad strategy?

Lots of exposure and awareness. The auto wraps tend to be colorful, eye-catching and attract lots of attention. Also, it's a form of

advertisement with a captive audience,for instance people who are stuck in traffic can't avoid seeing the wrapped car alongside them.

This program will last for 6 months and the minimum you can participate is 1 month.

You will be compensated with $600 per week which is essentially a "rental"payment for letting our company use the space, no fee is

required from you.SAMSUNG shall provide experts that would handle the advert placement on your car.You will receive an up front

payment of $600 inform of check via courier service for accepting to carry this advert on your car.

It is very easy and simple, no application fees required. kindly email along with the following if you are interested in this offer.

Full Name:




Zip code:

Cell phone Number:



Make of car and year:

Exterior Color of Car:


We will contact you immediately we receive this information.

Kind Regards!

HR, Samsung 201Advertisment.

Samsung Advertisment 2018"


Mar. 30, 2018 at 3:54 PM by
Samsung Galaxy S5 and S6 Auto Car Wrap Advertising Offers
an anonymous user from: Sunnyvale, California, United States

They sent me a check and said to deposit and sent balance to the install team. The check was from a cab company. But we are a cab company so that doesn't make since. You can wrap your own vehicle then! Anyways if they send your money and ask you to deposit it's not real!


Oct. 18, 2017 at 2:52 AM by
Samsung Galaxy S5 and S6 Auto Car Wrap Advertising Offers
an anonymous user from: Eau Claire, Wisconsin, United States

I almost fell for it- glad I found this to read before I did something really dumb!


Nov. 4, 2017 at 3:29 PM by
Samsung Galaxy S5 and S6 Auto Car Wrap Advertising Offers
an anonymous user from: Port Angeles, Washington, United States

There is an Audemars Piguet vehicle wrap scam going around right now. I too am glad that I did my research.


Sep. 30, 2017 at 2:27 PM by
Samsung Galaxy S5 and S6 Auto Car Wrap Advertising Offers
an anonymous user from: New York, United States

I got one, they said they would pay me 500 a week for one year. They will send a check for the first payment and the money for the wrap. I though it sounds to good to be true.


Aug. 16, 2017 at 4:43 AM by
Samsung Galaxy S5 and S6 Auto Car Wrap Advertising Offers
an anonymous user from: Omaha, Nebraska, United States / using most of the same text running the same scam. Fishing most likely.

The email I received:


We are currently seeking to employ in the USA.SAMSUNG seeks people-individual,p rofessional drivers to go about their usual activities, only with a small advert for "SAMSUNG" plastered on your car. The advert are typically vinyl decals, also known as "auto wraps,"that almost seem to be painted on the vehicle which will cover the two front doors and the back window.

This auto wraps tend to be colorful, eye-catching and attract lots of attention.For instance, people who are stuck intraffic can't avoid seeing the wrapped car as you drive by.The companies derives Lots of exposure and awareness from this advert.This program last for 6 months while minimum duration for participation is 1 month.You will be compensated with $500 weekly which is essentially a"rental"payment for allowing us make use of the space on your vehicle.SAMSUNG shall provide experts that would handle the instalation.Your weekly pay of $500 is going to be paid via check which will be mailed to your address,please note that No fee is required from you.Kindly complete the required info if you are interested

Full Name:




Zip code


Cell # :


Make and year of car :

We'll return your email as soon as its received

Kind Regards!

Charles Lester

Hiring Manager"

supposedly from reply links to"


Mar. 23, 2017 at 5:30 PM by
Samsung Galaxy S5 and S6 Auto Car Wrap Advertising Offers
an anonymous user from: Los Angeles, California, United States

This is one I just received and instantly felt it was a scam. I did not respond but wanted to share email.

- start of scam -

"Campaign For Samsung Ad


We are currently seeking to employ in the USA.SAMSUNG seeks people - regular citizens,professional drivers to go about their normal routine as they usually do, only with a small advert for "SAMSUNG" plastered on your car. The advert are typically vinyl decals, also known as "auto wraps,"that almost seem to be painted on the vehicle which will cover the front doors and the back window

The companies derives Lots of exposure and awareness from this advert. The auto wraps tend to be colorful, eye-catching and attract lots of attention.For example, people who are stuck intraffic can't avoid seeing the wrapped car as you drive by.This program last for 12 months and the minimum duration you can participate is 1 month.You will be compensated with $450 weekly which is essentially a"rental"payment for letting us use the space on your vehicle.SAMSUNG shall provide experts that would handle the advert placement on your car. You will receive an up front payment of $450 inform of check in mail if you are interested.No fee is required from you.Kindly complete the required info if you are interested

Full Name:




Zip code:



Make of car and year:

Exterior Color of Car:

Telephone number :

As soon as the information is received,you will be contacted

Kind Regards!

Andrew Hampton

Hiring manage"

- end of scam -

hildacoffe42 was email adress.


Dec. 15, 2016 at 8:31 AM by
Samsung Galaxy S5 and S6 Auto Car Wrap Advertising Offers
an anonymous user from: Anchorage, Alaska, United States

I got one for a Coca Cola wrap. I was very suspicious because the sender was from a Gmail account, and not wrapcity. It's sad when people do things like this.


Dec. 6, 2016 at 4:40 PM by
Samsung Galaxy S5 and S6 Auto Car Wrap Advertising Offers
an anonymous user from: San Antonio, Texas, United States

A cashiers check lists only the bank it was issued from, the payee is typed in at the back and it has an embossed amount on it. The sender will not be at the top of the check, more like it will be listed in the Memo, For line.

These check are not an official bank check. I have over 20 years as a bank teller and I know bogus checks when I see them.


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Samsung Galaxy S5 and S6 Auto Car Wrap Advertising Offers