The hoax below, which claims that Sylvester Stallone, an American actor, and director, has died in a car crash, is another reason why you should always use popular and reputable news websites as your source of information. Sylvester Stallone, best known for portraying boxer Rocky Balboa and soldier John Rambo, is NOT DEAD.
Whenever something dramatic or depressing like the death of someone is posted on social networking or satire news websites please verify it with a reputable news website before posting, sharing, commenting on or liking it.
The hoax is in Italian and posted on the fake news website

E’ morto Sylvester Stallone, incidente d’auto fatale per lo “stallone italiano”
NEW YORK - Lutto nel mondo del cinema per il gravissimo incidente avvenuto questa mattina dove il celebre attore e regista Sylvester Stallone ha perso la vita.
Si trovava a bordo della sua Lamborghini Huracàn, secondo le prime ricostruzioni il conducente di una lambretta si sarebbe addormentato centrando il retro dell’automobile su cui l’attore stava viaggiando.
L’incidente ha coinvolto in tutto trentasei veicoli. Oltre all’attore altre ventinove persone hanno perso la vita e tredici sono in condizioni critiche.
Translated to English:
It died Sylvester Stallone, fatal car crash for the "Italian Stallion
NEW YORK - Mourning in the film world for the fatal accident occurred this morning where the famous actor and director Sylvester Stallone has died.
He was aboard his Lamborghini Huracan, s ccording to preliminary reports, the driver of a motor scooter he would fall asleep centering the rear of the car on which the actor was traveling.
The accident occurred around thirty addition to the actor other twenty-nine people were killed and thirteen are in critical condition. -incidente-dauto-fatale-per- stallone-italiano/
The website, which calls itself News24Roma, is a fake or satire news website, so please do not trust the articles posted on it.
This celebrity death hoax is similar to the Celine Dion, Will Smith,Shaggy, Rapper Eminem, Jackie Chan, Oprah Winfrey, Miley Cyrus and Angelina Jolie hoaxes.