The email message below: "Your Email Id; Just Won! (£510,000.00)-@-©2014 Facebook Inc, Raffle," is a fake and a lottery phishing scam. You should not respond to this message with your personal information. Every month, thousands of these email messages are sent out by scammers to trick their potential victims into stealing their personal information and/or sending money. Therefore, never send your personal information to anyone in an email message or send money to someone who contacted you via email message.
The Lottery Scam Email: Your Email Id; Just Won! (£510,000.00)-@-©2014 Facebook Inc, Raffle
Your Email Id; Just Won! (£510,000.00)-@-©2014 Facebook Inc, Raffle!???
Confirmation Winning No: W98-003-FACEBOOK33-48-19-H5H-@WIN (FIFA Brazil 2014 World Cup)
Real Facebook Promo Live! (Raffle-Coordinator/Sender: Mrs. Alexis M. Pierra)(Facebook Live Raffle)
Reference Nr.XKHL-37-14-29-13), Batch Nr. DFD-25-30-29-686H -@WIN lucky N02-, you have won (£510,000.00) sponsors: - (FIFA-2014) (Coca Cola, Nokia, and Pepsi & Adidas).
Winners were electrically selected by Facebook Inc, today @ Live Raffle Draw; held at FIFA House, Western Region-Ghana.
For Your Cash claims: - Kindly forward your winning details as quickly as possible; via email to the {Skye Bank Ghana}, Skye Ghana through the below Info:
Skye Bank Ghana
Location: Universal Plaza, 1, Ring Road, 1207 Central, Accra Ghana.
PMB CT -96, Bank Email: skype.b93893skye
Customer Care Service Inquiry: info.skyebank.233
Phone: +233 548652428,Fax: +(233)506564034 Ext-111
Please Note: Do not expose your winning info to any person or third party; to avoid wrong cash claims; only forward to the Authorized bank for claims!
(Cash claim is free!) Congratulations!