Spotify for Android Hacked - Users Should Update Application and Change Password

Spotify for Android Hacked - Users Should Update Application and Change Password

Popular music streaming service, Spotify, has been hacked. The hack only affects the Android version of Spotify, so Android users of Spotify are being asked to upgrade the app on their mobile devices over the next few days, and change their passwords as a security precaution. Currently, IPhone and Windows Phone users do not need to do anything.

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For Spotify users, if you receive a prompt to upgrade the app, please follow the instructions, to have your app upgrade or updated immediately.

Please note that the Spotify or other Android applications should only be downloaded and installed from Google Play or Amazon Appstore.user who download applications from other websites or locations, run the risk of getting their mobile devices infected with a virus, Trojan horse or other malware.

Spotify has posted the following notice on their website:

Important Notice to Our Android Users

Hello, Spotify Android users. Our security team has become aware of some unauthorized access to our systems and internal company data and we wanted to let you know the steps we’re taking in response (and tell you how to get back onto Spotify if you’re having trouble logging in).

 As soon as we were aware of this issue we immediately launched an investigation.information security and data protection are of great importance to us at Spotify.

Our evidence shows that only one Spotify user’s data has been accessed and this did not include any password, financial or payment information. We have reached out to this one individual. Based on our findings, we are not aware of any increased risk to users as a result of this incident.

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions that Spotify has posted in order to help educate the affected users:

  • Has my user account information been compromised? 
    Our evidence shows that only one Spotify user’s data has been accessed and this did not include any password, financial or payment information. We have contacted this one individual. Based on our findings, we are not aware of any increased risk to users as a result of this incident.
  • Is my Android phone compromised? 
    We do not believe this incident will affect your phone in any way. However, as an extra safety step, we are going to guide Android app users to upgrade over the next few days. If Spotify prompts you for an upgrade, please follow the instructions. As always, Spotify does not recommend installing Android applications from anywhere other than Google Play or Amazon Appstore.
  • I can't log in to my Spotify account or I’m being told to download a new version, what's going on? 
    As a result of action we have taken to safeguard our service and our user information, we are going to guide Android app users to upgrade to a new version of Spotify in order to gain access to the service. If Spotify prompts you for an upgrade, please follow the instructions. If not, visit one of the approved sources above to get the latest version. 
  • If I’m using iOS or Windows Phone, do I need to do anything? 
    At this time there is no action recommended for iOS and Windows Phone users.
  • I have upgraded to the new version of Spotify and now all of my offline playlists have disappeared. 
    Unfortunately, all playlists will have to be set offline again and re-downloaded in the new version of the Spotify Android app. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes, but hope you understand this is a necessary precaution to safeguard the quality of our service and protect our users.
  • How can I find out if the version of Spotify I have is the latest?
    -In your Android Spotify app, tap the settings button (the three horizontal lines).
    -Select About.
    -See the version number at the top.
    -Make sure your app version number matches that listed in Google Play. If not, we suggest you uninstall the old version of the app and install the new one.
  •  I have to log in but forgot my password. Can I reset it? 
    You sure can. Click here to do so. Note: we will never ask you to directly provide your password to us.

For more information about the Spotify Hack, please click here.

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Spotify for Android Hacked - Users Should Update Application and Change Password