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Mitsubishi Motors Worldwide Ltd Lottery Promotion Scam

The email message below: "We are officially announcing to you the result of Mitsubishi Motors Email Lottery Promotion ," is a fake and a phishing scam. You should not respond to this message with your personal information. Every month, thousands of these email messages are sent out by scammers to trick their potential victims into stealing their personal information and/or sending money. Therefore, never send your personal information to anyone in an email message or send money to someone who contacted you via email message.


The Fradulent Email: Mitsubishi Motors Worldwide Ltd Lottery Promotion Scam

From: "Agent John Edward"JohnEdward67
Subject: From The Federal Bureau Of Investigation (FBI)

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Intelligence Field Unit
J. Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C.

Urgent attention: beneficiary

I am special agent john edward from the federal bureau of investigation (fbi) intelligence unit, we have just intercepted and confiscated two (2) trunk boxes at jfk airport in new york, and are on the verge of moving it to our bureau head quarters.

We have scanned the said boxes, and have found it to contain a total sum of $4.1 million and also backup document which bears your name as the receiver of the money contained in the boxes, investigations carried out on the diplomat which accompanied the boxes into the united states has it that he was to deliver this funds to your residence as payment which was due you from the office of federal government in nigeria from unpaid contract sums.

We cross-checked all legal documentation in the boxes, and were about to release the consignment to the diplomat,when we found out that the boxes is lacking one very important documentation which as a result, the boxes has been confiscated.

According to section 229 subsection 31 of the 1991 constitution in tax payment, your consignment lacks proof of ownership certificate from the joint team of the irs and homeland security, and there for, you must contact us for direction on how to procure this certificate, so that you can be relieved of the charges of evading tax which is a punishable offense under section 12 subsection 441 of constitution on tax evasion.

You are therefore required to get back to me on this email {johneddward911} within 72hours, so that i will guide you on how to get the needed document. Failure to comply with our directive may lead you into problem, you will be arrested, interrogated and prosecuted in the court of law for money laundry.

We may also get the financial action task force on money laundering (fatf) involved if you do not follow our instructions. You are also advised not to get in contact with any bank in africa, europe or any other institution, as your fund are here now in the united states of america.

Yours in service
Agent John Edward
Regional Director
Federal Bureau of Investigation
E-mail: johneddward911

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