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"Verizon Text Message Suspension Notice" Phishing Scams

Verizon customers, please be on the lookout for fake or phishing text messages asking you to click on links within them, to avoid getting your service cancelled. The text messages are fakes and the links in them will take you to a fake or phishing Verizon website, designed to trick you into entering your username, password, PIN, SSN, credit card and other personal information, which will be sent to the scammers behind the website.


Persons have reported receiving phishing or fake text messages from the following phone numbers:

Fake or Phishing Verizon Text Message Scams

Verizon suspension notice * update registration details to avoid service cancellation.
Verizon Support

(SUSPENSION)You have received this message from VERIZON wireless Click: and follow the steps to a I clicked on the link & it asked me for my credit card number, SSN, etc.
I checked with Verizon & the rep assured me they DO NOT contact in this manner.

VZW IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please review your payment details prior verizon service interruption at http://111.223.121. 179/VERIZON.COM/WIRELESS

If you were or think you were, tricked into clicking on the links in the text messages and have entered your information on the fake websites, please contact Verizon by telephone at 1-800-VERIZON.

Also, if you receive any suspicious emails or text messages, please contact Verizon for clarification, before following the instructions in these messages.

This scam is similar to the following:

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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