The Facebook page and post: "We are giving 10 Lamborghini on April 5, 2014. Lucky Winners Will Be Announced on 5 April," are Facebook "Like" scams. This page and post are fakes and are not giving away 10 Lamborghinis. The page and post were created by scammers to trick Facebook users into commenting on, "liking" or sharing a fake Lamborghini Facebook page, which will only help spread the fake Facebook page and post to all of your Facebook friends.
The Fake Lamborghini Facebook Post

We are giving 10 Lamborghini on April 5, 2014
Lucky Winners Will Be Announced On 5 April.
Step 1) Like this post.
Step 2) Comment which color you want.
Step 3) Share On Your wall.
Good Luck to everyone!!
The Fake Lamborghini Facebook Page

This fake Facebook page is located on Facebook at the following address: Lamborghini.Official.Fans.Page
The legitimate or official Lamborghini Facebook page is located on Facebook at the following address:
If you want to know if a Facebook page is legitimate, look out for a blue tick mark to the right of the page name. Facebook put this blue tick mark next to the names of all of the pages it has verified.
This scam is similar to the following: