The email messages below: "We have just upgraded our MSN mail platform and security" and "Upgrade your email account to finish setting up this Microsoft account," are fakes. These email messages were NOT sent by Microsoft, and are phishing scams designed to steal your Microsoft, MSN, Hotmail, Live or Outlook user name and password. So, do not click on the links or follow the instructions in the email messages.
The MSN/Hotmail/Live/Outlook Phishing Email Messages
Dear User,
We have just upgraded our MSN mail platform and security.
Please do update your account to avoid account de-activation.
Below is your valid activation link.
You have 3 days, until 04.59 PM - 28/03/2014 to activate and confirm this account.
All these measures are made concerning your Security.
Thank you,
Upgrade Your Outlook Web Access (OWA)
From: Microsoft account team
Microsoft account
Upgrade your email account
To finish setting up this Microsoft account, we just need to make sure you did not loose any messages from your Microsoft Web Access.
Upgrade your email
If the upgrade link did not work click link below, click here to proceed.
The Microsoft account team ~
The links in these email messages will take you to a fake Microsoft Hotmail website if you click on them.
If you were tricked into entering your user name and password on the fake MSN/Hotmail/Live/Outlook website, please change your password immediately.
Click here to change your password.