Fake - the "Golden Eagle Snatches Kid" Video Created by Students

Fake - the Golden Eagle Snatches Kid Video Created by Students

The video below: "Golden Eagle Snatches Kid" is a fake. The video was created as a project by students at the Center NAD, who were completing their Bachelors degree in 3D Animation and Digital Design. Centre NAD, located in Montreal, is Canada’s major new media training center.

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The "Golden Eagle Sna​tches Kid" Video

Click the video to watch it.

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The video was uploaded to YouTube on December 18, 2012 and has already been viewed more than 42,000,000 times.

The video shows an Eagle snatching a baby in a park, left alone by his father, who was standing a few feet away. The father, realized what had happened, started chasing the bird, but luckily the Eagle, struggling to fly away with the baby, dropped the small child a few feet away from where it picked it up.

This is what the Center NAD training center has to say about the fake video:

The “Golden Eagle Snatches Kid” video, uploaded to YouTube on the evening of December 18, was made by Antoine Seigle, Normand Archambault, Loïc Mireault and Félix Marquis-Poulin, students at Centre NAD, in the production simulation workshop class of the Bachelors degree in 3D Animation and Digital Design.

The video shows a royal eagle snatching a young kid while he plays under the watch of his dad. The eagle then drops the kid a few feet away. Both the eagle and the kid were created in 3D animation and integrated in to the film afterwards.

For more information about the video, click here.

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Fake - the "Golden Eagle Snatches Kid" Video Created by Students