Facebook Like Scam - "We Have 426 Samsung Galaxy-S4 Which Cant Be Sold"

Facebook Like Scam - We Have 426 Samsung Galaxy-S4 Which Cant Be Sold

The Samsung Galaxy S4 competition below: "We have 426 Samsung Galaxy-S4 which can't be sold because they're unsealed so we are giving them out for free to some lucky people!", is a Facebook Like-Farming scam. This competition scam is used to trick as many persons as possible into liking, commenting on, or sharing it, by claiming that they have a chance to win 1 of the 426 Samsung Galaxy S4 giving away. So, do not be fooled by these scammers because they are not giving away any Samsung Galaxy S4 smartphone, but want to make their page popular or go viral.

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The Fake Facebook Samsung Galaxy-S4 Competition

he Fake Facebook Samsung Galaxy-S4 Competition
We have 426 Samsung Galaxy-S4 which can't be sold because they're unsealed so we are giving them out for free to some lucky people!

Want To Get One? Just "Share" this photo and "Like" our page.
Competition ends on the 29th March 2014

154 winners selected , SHARE! COMMENT(done) and you could be the next one

Good luck.
(the more times you share, the more chances you have)

The fake Samsung Galaxy page is located on Facebook at the following address:

If you have already liked this page, please unlike it. Also, remove any comments or shared post that you have made on your Facebook Timeline, NewFeed or Wall.

This is scam is similar to the following:

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Mar. 23, 2014 at 7:46 AM by
Facebook Like Scam - "We Have 426 Samsung Galaxy-S4 Which Cant Be Sold"
an anonymous user from: Fort Worth, Texas, United States

They do fake competition type pages like this to build up as many likes (followers)as possible then sell the page to the highest bidder. The new (company) gets a page with x amount of likes and BAM! Page changes overnight with new buyer and instant adverts with x amount of follwers.


Mar. 23, 2014 at 2:23 AM by
Facebook Like Scam - "We Have 426 Samsung Galaxy-S4 Which Cant Be Sold"
an anonymous user from: Houston, Texas, United States

What benefit do they get from making the page go viral?


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Facebook Like Scam - "We Have 426 Samsung Galaxy-S4 Which Cant Be Sold"