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"Find Who Will be Your Valentine in 2014" - Facebook Application Scam

Beware of the Facebook post: "Find Who will be your valentine in 2014", which was designed by cybercriminals to trick Facebook users into installing or giving a malicious Facebook application access to their accounts. The scam claims that persons can find out who their Valentine in 2014 will be, but it is a fake and will only install a malicious Facebook application that will send itself (spam) to all of the victim's Facebook friends.


The 'Find Who will be Your Valentine in 2014' Facebook Scam

There are many versions of this 'Find Who will be your valentine in 2014' Facebook scam, so you may not see the same images like the ones above.

If you were trick into installing this malicious Facebook application, please click the link below and remove all Facebook applications with the following names or anything with the name Valentine in it:

Also, remove all Facebook applications that you are not familiar with.

Click here to remove Facebook application.

If you keep receiving Facebook post about this scam from your friends, it is possible that they may have unknowingly installed this malicious Facebook application. Send them this alert to help them remove the fake Valentine Facebook application from their accounts.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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