The email message below with the subject: "FedeX Delivery Notification (Confirmation)," is a phishing scam. The email message was not sent by FedEx, but by cyber-criminals, whose aim is to trick the recipients into sending your personal information. And, once in the possession of the recipients' personal information, they (cyber-criminals) will attempt to trick the recipients into sending money.
The FedEx Phishing Scam
Subject: FedeX Delivery Notification (Confirmation)
FedeX Delivery
This is to request your immediate confirmation of your package which was due for delivery since Friday the 28th of November 2014 but is being held here by Customs and Control as it contains Check/Card.
You are hereby required to reconfirm the following details for immediate clearance and delivery of your Package which contains some payments and other highly classified personal effects:
1: Your Contact Address
2: Telephone Number
Upon the above confirmation we shal proceed with the clearance of your package with and delivery within the next 24 hours.
Richard Barton
Fedex Special Delivery
1.800.G0FedEx 1.800.453.3239
NB; Please DO NOT reply or send your delivery information to (FedExdelivery You are advised to email them directly to me at (rbarton2 so I can personally ensure that this Highly Classified Package is delivered to you as scheduled and not sent to wrong person/address or confiscatd by the authorties.
Every month, thousands of email messages like the one below are sent out by scammers, therefore, never send your personal information to anyone in an email message or send money to someone who contacted you via email message.