The link to the test below will take a few seconds to determine if your web browser is vulnerable to the SSLv3 or POODLE exploit. Please note that JavaScript must be enabled in order for the test to work. Although SSLv3 (SSL version 3) is very old and was replaced with Transport Layer Security (TLS), it is still being widely used today.
What is the SSLv3 or POODLE exploit?
POODLE stands for Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption and is a vulnerability that exploits a design flaw in SSLv3 (SSL version 3) that was created in 1996 to secure or encrypt data transmitted from one computer or device to another. The flaw or exploit allows secured or encrypted data being transmitted between two computers or devices, to be decrypted by someone other than the two computers or devices that are transmitting the data.
In other words, the exploit can allow someone to view the secured information that is being sent and received between your computer and another website. For more information please click here.
To check your web browser for the SSL 3 or POODLE vulnerability, please click the following link:
For information about protecting your web browser against the SSLv3 or POODLE exploit, please click here.