Fake Apple MacBook Pro Giveaway Facebook Offer January 6 2014

Fake Apple MacBook Pro Giveaway Facebook Offer January 6 2014

The Apple MacBook Pro Giveaway Facebook offer below is a scam. This scam will trick you into 'liking' and sharing it, which will only help to spread it to your Facebook friends. This offer is another Facebook "share/like" scam, which is used to trick persons into sharing or liking it, so that it can become very popular, a process called "like-farming". Once popular, the scammers behind this offer will sell the page or website, which will include the Facebook public information of the persons who have 'liked' or shared it.

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The Fake Apple Macbook Pro Giveaway Facebook Offer Post

The Fake Apple Macbook Pro Giveaway Facebook Offer Post
Apple - MacBook Pro Giveaway (70 Remaining)!
68,508 people claimed this offer


The Fake Apple MacBook Pro Giveaway Facebook Offer

The Fake Apple MacBook Pro Giveaway Facebook Offer

Offer from Apple

Apple - MacBook Pro Giveaway (70 Remaining)!
Expires Wednesday, February 5, 2014.
Available online and in stores

Accepting this offer by clicking the "Get Offer" button, will take you to this screen:

The Fake Apple Macbook Pro Giveaway Facebook Offer

Offer Saved

To use the offer, visit Apple and follow the instructions in your confirmation email (sent to <email address>).

Redeem the offer online by clicking hxxp://appleofficial.co.uk.

Like Apple
Please check your spam folder if you don't see the offer in your inbox.

If you click the link in the offer confirmation above, you will be taken to the bogus website hxxp://appleofficial.co.uk.

The Fake Apple Macbook Pro Giveaway Facebook website appleofficial.co.uk

This website will attempt to trick you into "liking" and "sharing" it, by promising you that will you get to redeem your MacBook. Remember, this is a scam and there is no Apple MacBook Pro Giveaway, so please do not follow the instructions on the website. The amount of Facebook likes and Macbook Pro remaining on the website are false.

This scam has a Facebook page located at:

If you have already "liked" and shared this bogus offer, please undo it by "unliking" it and deleting the shared Facebook post.

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Fake Apple MacBook Pro Giveaway Facebook Offer January 6 2014