Facebook Video Like Scam - "Real Mermaid Caught Sleeping On a Rock"

Facebook Video Like Scam - Real Mermaid Caught Sleeping On a Rock

The Facebook post: "Real mermaid caught sleeping on a rock," is not real and is a scam to trick Facebook users into "liking" a Facebook page. The post promises Facebook users a video of a Mermaid caught sleeping on a rock, only if they "like" a particular Facebook page.

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The Fake Facebook Post

Real mermaid caught sleeping on a rock - Facebook post
[AMAZING VIDEO] Real mermaid caught sleeping on a rock
Watch the Real mermaid caught sleeping on a rock!

Clicking on this Facebook post (DO NOT) will only take you to the fake Facebook website www.maakz.com

fake Facebook website www.maakz.com

This website was designed to look like Facebook, to trick Facebook users into believing they are on Facebook.com.

Clicking the image, which appears as a video, on this fake website will ask you to share.

Restricted Video share - Facebook Like Scam

Clicking this fake shared dialog box will only take you to the Facebook.com page below and ask you to click (DO NOT) the "Like" button.

Press the like button above to view this video - Facebook Like Scam

This Facebook page is located on Facebook.com at the following address and is owned by the user "Awesome Interests":
https://www.facebook.com/ Awesome.Interests?sk= app_190322544333196&ref=s

It is this Facebook page that the scammers of these fake Facebook posts and websites want you to "like", which will make it popular. Once the page is popular, these scammers can sell it to online marketers or other scammers.

Now, if you have shared and "liked" this fake Facebook post, please remove all shared Facebook posts and "unlike" it.

If you are asked to share, "like”, complete surveys in order to view a video, picture or other content, is the first sign that you are being tricked or scammed. You do not need to do any of these things in order to view any content on Facebook and the rest of the internet.

This scam is similar to the 'Half Girl Half Snake' scam, click here to view.

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June 4, 2015 at 6:18 PM by
Facebook Video Like Scam - "Real Mermaid Caught Sleeping On a Rock"
an anonymous user from: Clarksville, Tennessee, United States

That's either PhotoShop, a costume, or illusions.


June 6, 2014 at 1:30 PM by
Facebook Video Like Scam - "Real Mermaid Caught Sleeping On a Rock"
an anonymous user from: Hereford, England, United Kingdom

not real, no way can that be real; it's a human. Mermaids are way different in looks.


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Facebook Video Like Scam - "Real Mermaid Caught Sleeping On a Rock"