Your Online Access has been Blocked – Apple Phishing Email and Website

Your Online Access has been Blocked – Apple Phishing Email and Website

The email message below: "Your online access has been blocked," is another phishing email message sent by cybercriminals with a link to a fake Apple website designed to steal your Apple account username, password,financial and personal information. The email message claims that the recipients should update their Apple account information using a new SSL server to avoid suspension of their online access, by clicking on the link within it.

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The " Your online access has been blocked " Apple Phishing Email Message

Unfortunately, Your online access has been blocked.

As part of our ongoing commitment to provide the "Best Possible" service and protection to all our customers, we are requiring each Customer to Update their account (s) using the new SSL servers to avoid suspension of you online access. Please Update your online account (s) by clicking bellow account update.        

Account Update Process >
This is an automated message. Please do not reply to this email.

Although, the email message appears as if it came from Apple, it was not. So, ensure that you never click on a link in an email message to sign into your Apple account.

Clicking on the link in this email message will take you to a fake or phishing Apple website.

The fake website will ask the victim to sign in with your Apple account user id and password. Now, if you enter and submit this information, it will be sent to the scammers or cybercriminals behind this phishing scam. With your Apple user id and password, these cybercriminals will be able to gain access to your account.

After the user id and password are submitted by the victim, her/she will be taken to another web page.

The page will ask for both personal and financial information that the scammer can use to rip the victim off. The information includes:  full name, phone number, address, date of birth, account number, credit card number, security code (cvv) and expiration date.

There are hundreds of these phishing or fake websites on the internet designed to steal Apple users’ account, personal and financial information. So, please ensure that you are on website by looking at your web browser address bar, instead of some fake website designed to trick you into disclosing your account information.

To sign into your Apple account and update your information, please use the following link:

Click here for information on a similar scam.

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Your Online Access has been Blocked – Apple Phishing Email and Website