"Please Confirm your Account Information" Apple Phishing Scams

Please Confirm your Account Information Apple Phishing Scams

Cybercriminals are sending out fake or phishing Apple email messages, which have links to fake Apple websites. The email messages claim that the recipients should confirm their Apple account information because it gives them easy access to a variety of Apple services, by clicking on the link within it.

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The Phishing or Fake Email Message

From: online @Apple.com
Subject: Please confirm your account information

Please confirm your apple ID.

Confirmation of your Apple ID gives you easy access to a variety of Apple services, including the iTunes Store, Apple Online Store, iChat, and more. We will not share your information with anyone else unless you authorize us to do so.

Confirm Now >

Although, these email messages appear as if they came from Apple, they were not. So, ensure that you never click on a link in an email message to sign into your Apple account.

Clicking on the link in this email message will take you to the fake or phishing Apple website below:

hxxp://verfieapple .altervista.org/

Wide range of applications
With iTunes in the Cloud, the music, apps and books you purchase automatically appear on all your devices. Or download only what you want on the devices you want

Phishing or fake apple website

This website will ask the victim to sign in with your Apple account user id and password. Now, if you enter and submit this information, it will be sent to the scammers or cybercriminals behind this phishing scam. With your Apple user id and password, these cybercriminals will be able to gain access to your account.

After the user id and password are submitted by the victim, her/she will be taken to the web page below.

Itune Connect
Explore iCloud

Your Apple ID gives you easy access to a wide range of Apple services such as the iTunes Store, the Apple Online Store, iChat, and more. Your information will not be disclosed to anyone unless you authorize us.

Confirmation of your identity.
Enter the information associated with your iTunes account.

Phishing or fake apple website

This page asks for both personal and financial information that the scammer can use to rip the victim off. The information includes: full name, phone number, address, date of birth, account number, credit card number, security code (cvv) and expiration date.

There are hundreds of these phishing or fake websites on the internet designed to steal Apple users’ account, personal and financial information. The website (hxxp://verfieapple .altervista.org) is just one of these websites.

So, please ensure that you are on www.apple.com website by looking at your web browser address bar, instead of some fake website designed to trick you into disclosing your account information.

To sign into your Apple account and update your information, please use the following link:

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Dec. 6, 2014 at 3:39 AM by
"Please Confirm your Account Information" Apple Phishing Scams
an anonymous user from: Omupo, Kwara, Nigeria

Here is another scam:

- - -

Do you need 100% Finance? I can service your financial need with less pay back problem that is why we fund you for just 3%. Whatever your circumstances, self employed, retired, have a poor credit rating, we could help. Flexible repayment over 3 to 20 years.Contact us at:jorgebeckerloans@gmail.com

Apply now for all kinds of loans and get money urgently!

* Appointments in the amount ranging from $1,000 to $50,000, 000.00

* The interest rate is at 3%

* Choose between 1 and 40 years of repayment.

* Choose between Monthly and annual repayment plan.

* Terms and conditions of the loans flexibility.

All these plans and more, please contact us.

1. Full Names:...

2. Contact Address:...

3. Loan Amount Needed:...

4. Duration of the Loan...

5. Direct Telephone Number:...

6.Loan Duration:...


Best Regards,

Mr Jorge Becker


Mar. 24, 2014 at 11:07 AM by
"Please Confirm your Account Information" Apple Phishing Scams
an anonymous user from: Brussels, Belgium

Thank you for this information.

I received the e-mail below today from thee people:


Please confirm your apple ID.

Confirmation of your Apple ID gives you easy access to a variety of Apple services, including the iTunes Store, Apple Online Store, iChat, and more. We will not share your information with anyone else unless you authorize us to do so.

confirm Now

which hides the URL:



Dec. 25, 2014 at 3:38 AM by
"Please Confirm your Account Information" Apple Phishing Scams
an anonymous user from: Kuwait City, Al Asimah, Kuwait

Here is a fake and malicious Apple website:

http://mycybe.com/misc/apple/ ~


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"Please Confirm your Account Information" Apple Phishing Scams