The Facebook post: "[R.I.P.-] ANGELINA JOLIE dies at 38 -1975 -2013," is spreading on Facebook like wildfire. Angelina Jolie is not dead. This post is a fake and was designed to trick Facebook users into installing a malicious Facebook application and completing online surveys. Each time someone completes a survey, the scammers behind this Facebook post will earn money.
The Facebook Post Survey Scam:
The Oscar-winning actress Angelina Jolie was pronounced dead on August 23, 2013 after her second major operation. Angelina wishes to be interviewed on cam to give her inspirational message to all her FANS. Watch the Original footage from Hollywood Access.
[R.I.P.-] ANGELINA JOLIE dies at 38 -1975 -2013
Hollywood Access Posted Aug 23, 2013 - 4:36pm CDT
Sad to see another yound person go because of illness. You will always be remembered Angelina.
Celebrity News Update
The Facebook post claims that Angelina Jolie died on August 23, 2013, after doing her second major surgery. And, there is a video footage from Hollywood Access of her giving an inspirational message to her fans.
There is no video, and if you click on the links in this Facebook post, you will be taken to the website below and asked to complete surveys in order to verify your age.

But, this is not true. You will be asked to continuously complete surveys upon surveys or even asked to install a malicious Facebook application in order to view the video.completing these surveys will only help make these scammers richer and installing the malicious Facebook application will only help spread this fake post all of your Facebook friends.
If you were tricked into installing the malicious Facebook application, please click here for instructions to remove the fake or malicious applications from your Facebook account.
Remember, if you are asked to complete surveys or install an application to view a video, picture or anything else, please do not. These are ticks used by scammers to lure persons to malicious or fake websites.
Do not use popular social networking websites, and others for your news sources. If any news is posted on these social networking websites, please check with one of the popular news websites before tweeting and sharing with your friends.
Also, commenting, sharing or "liking" this post will only help spread it to other Facebook users. So, report this post as "Spam" to help Facebook remove it.