Online Threat Alerts (OTA)
An anti-cybercrime community alerting the public.

Fake Google Team Message Notification from Sierra Watson

The email message below with the subject: "Message notification", is a fake. This email was not sent by Google or anyone from them. The email is a trick to lure you to spam websites, which will send you to online spam advertisements. Do not click on the links in this email message or follow the instructions in it.


Fake Google Team Message Notification from Sierra Watson

From: Google (
Sent: Tue 9/03/13 12:30 PM
Message notification

Google Service
f* Sierra Watson (Google Team) has sent you a message:
9/03/2013 Undeliverable messages.
Get more information

This email was sent to f* Don't want occasional updates about Google activity? Change what email Google Support sends you.

If you look carefully at the email message, you will notice that it came from a email address, instead of or email address.

This email message does not pose a serious threat because it only takes you a spam website. But, it does not mean that you should click on the links in the message, because the spammers or scammers behind this email message can also redirect you to malicious website instead.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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