The message below: "Jackie Chan died after perfecting a deadly stunt", is a fake and contains a link to a malicious computer virus or Trojan. Jackie Chan is alive. If you receive this message, please do not click on the link.
Copies of Some of the Malicious Messages:
Hollywood Breaking News – Jackie Chan died after perfecting a deadly stunt. Jackie Chan falls from a building of 12 floors. C.S.I are currently investigating. Watch the original video of the deadly stunt and their effort to save Jackie Chan. (for 18 years and above)
[Access Hollywood Breaking NEWS] – Jackie Chan chinese legendary star is currently in Good Samaritan Hospital. 1225 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA hanging on to dear life.. He was fallen from a bldg. that was 12 stories high while trying to perform a deadly stunt for his latest drama action movie. The C.S.I is currently investigating the accident for possible causes for his death.
Video footage of the accident can be seen hr of jackie falling to the bldg. and paramedics rushing to save Jackie Chan Watch the F?ll Exclusive Flash Video here ???
The Malicious Link:, will take you to the malicious website that contains malicious programs like viruses, spywares and other malwares.
Avast Blocking the Malicious Website

These malicious messages are posted on Facebook, Twitter, in email messages and on other social networking websites.
So, please ensure that you have antivirus software installed on your computer and do not click on the link in these messages, even if you have antivirus software installed on computer.
If you have already visited these malicious websites, please do a full scan of your computer with the antivirus software on your computer.