Facebook Powerball Lottery, Sweepstakes and Promotion Scams

Facebook Powerball Lottery, Sweepstakes and Promotion Scams

The Facebook Powerball lottery emails, messages or social networking posts below are scams, and you should not respond to them with your personal information. If someone sends a message to you, even if the message appears as if it was sent by a friend, claiming that you have won the lottery or some other promotional offers, please do not follow the instructions in the message. Scammers have cloned or hijacked some Facebook users' accounts, and are sending fake messages to their friends. The messages claim the recipients are winners of Facebook sweepstakes, lottery or promotion. But, Facebook currently has no lottery, sweepstakes or promotions.

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Every day, thousands of these email messages or social networking posts are sent out by scammers to trick their potential victims into sending their personal information and money to claim bogus prizes or lottery winnings.

Copies of the Facebook Powerball Lottery Scam Messages

  • "Thank God …i am so happy,finally i got my $50,000 check from the Facebook Powerball Lottery organization.but it seems i am not the only winner here when i was signing to receive my $50,000 US dollars winning prize on the receivers list with the FedEx men i saw your name and your profile picture on the Facebook winners list. so contact the agent to confirm your name is on the list here is their email address you can email or text them (powerballagent50@gmail.com)and the number +1 561-246-5348 contact them now…"

  • "Hello, i actually want to ask you if you hear about the Facebook Anniversary Promo in collaboration with Powerball Lottery organization? they gave me $50,000 to compensate me as one of the Facebook member i was selected by Facebook Random system program. on this website and all countries and have already gotten my $50,000 winning prize check,and when the FedEx men brought my check i saw your name and picture on the winning list when am about to sign to receive my Cheque and that's why am letting you know now before it will be late., i wonder if you have got your $50,000 check yet because I asked and they told me they will deliver the check to you too because you are among the list go for yours now here is their, address you can email or text them (gwinsurance_insurer@hotmail.com & pwballanthony@gmail.com)an the number 1(917)7251984 contact then now...."

  • "Hello,how are you? I actually want to ask you something, did you hear about the Facebook Anniversary Promo in collaboration Powerball Lottery? I got $50,000.00 winning check from them. They gave me the money for a Deaf/Hearing support and its apart of measure and to compensate the few people that was selected from Facebook Random selection program on this website from the listed countries:Canada,Australia,United States, United Kingdom, Asia, Europe, Middle East and Oceania and have already gotten my check, But when they brought my check i saw your name on the winning list when am about to sign and that why am letting you known now before it will be late., I wonder if you get your check yet because I asked and they told me they will deliver the check to you too because you re amoung the list of winners too. So that why am emailing you to let you know, did you get your own yet? if not you have to contact the Agent Mark Thomas on ( winningprize2012@yahoo.com / winningprize2012@gmail.com ) or Text on +17073568339,"

This scam is located on Facebook.com at the following website address:

http://www.facebook.com/pages/ Powerball-Lottery/ 504611352911612

But, this page has since been removed by Facebook. Other pages may appear, so please be on the lookout.

Currently, there is no Facebook Powerball Lottery and Facebook or other legitimate organizations will never ask you to send them your personal information via email, text message or telephone.

If you look at the messages above, you will notice that the contact email addresses are hotmail.com, yahoo.com and gmail.com. Email addresses at these free email providers can be created by anyone, so be careful when asked to send information to these email addresses. Please do not respond to these messages with your personal information, unless you want your identity and money stolen.

Victims of the Facebook Powerball lottery scam should report it to the police and should know that legitimate lottery companies will never ask their winners to send them their personal information, or send them money in order to receive their lottery winnings.

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Jun. 17, 2021 at 1:19 AM by
Facebook Powerball Lottery, Sweepstakes and Promotion Scams
an anonymous user from: Blount, Oneonta, Alabama, United States

Money from a powerball lottery. Agent named Larry Paul . Massage came from a cousin.


May. 19, 2020 at 2:32 PM by
Facebook Powerball Lottery, Sweepstakes and Promotion Scams

"From: Stephen Deal <payment.department@facebookonlinelotto.com>

Date: May 14, 2020 at 7:50:58 PM EDT

Subject: Re: Legal payment office. Did I really win?

Attn: Brent

Thanks, your payment option has been noted.

I want you to know that it will cost you 0.04% of your total winnings $975,000.00, which is equivalent to $390.00 for the document handling fee and courier charges. Please note that the mentioned payment must be confirmed upfront.

Attached is your winning certificate.

I will send you payment instructions upon the receipt of my email.


Stephen Joseph Deal

Legal Payment Office

Facebook Organization"

Here is another scam.


Nov. 11, 2019 at 11:02 PM by
Facebook Powerball Lottery, Sweepstakes and Promotion Scams
an anonymous user from: Ocala, Florida, United States

Is there such a thing as Individual Enlargement Grant?


Nov. 12, 2019 at 12:14 AM by
Facebook Powerball Lottery, Sweepstakes and Promotion Scams

Have seen this scam alot on social media.


Sep. 15, 2019 at 8:15 AM by
Facebook Powerball Lottery, Sweepstakes and Promotion Scams
an anonymous user from: Germantown, Maryland, United States

The message I got was very close to the same. The agent's name was Maurice Andrew and his phone # was 406-534-5103. This address given was 1600 W Pennsylvania Ave. Washington D.C.


Jul. 11, 2019 at 5:14 AM by
Facebook Powerball Lottery, Sweepstakes and Promotion Scams
an anonymous user from: Venice, Florida, United States

When I Facebooked a friend yesterday(via Messenger), she said she was thinking about what to do with the grant money she was about to receive. I asked her about it, and she said that she had received $100,000 from the Powerball Grant Program. Remembering a recent news story about a Powerball award that went unclaimed, I believed it and, stupidly, didn't ask if she'd gotten the money yet. She gave me the name of a man she said was an FBI agent, and suggested I contact him immediately, also by Messenger.

I did so, and after filling out a form online which included my address and phone number but not my SSN or bank information, was told I had been awarded $200,000. First though, He wanted me to pay the Fedex fee of $800. I told him I didn't have that kind of money, and after some back-and-forthing, the number came down to $100 up front, & pay the courier the rest out of the grant money when it came.

I was supposed to go to CVS or Wal-Mart and buy $100 of either Steam or Google-play cards and send him a picture of them and the receipt number. I went to CVS and tried to buy the cards, but they wouldn't take a check for them (I don't have a debit card just now). I messaged Michael back & made arrangements that I would get them after 9 this morning, when the bank opened, and message him back at 10.

Now I won't do either.


May. 10, 2019 at 4:44 PM by
Facebook Powerball Lottery, Sweepstakes and Promotion Scams
an anonymous user from: Green Bay, Wisconsin, United States

I received the above information about being on a winning list. I was to contact an agent at 506-708-5268 I was asked to contact Terry Smith at https//m.me/terrysmith.122 to say a friend ask me to contact him after seeing my name on the winning list. There was a picture of the man. I was asked to fill out personal information; which I didn't do but asked more questions.

They gave me another agents name Richard https://m.me/agents.richard.96 I asked him some questions, he has not responded. I felt this was a scam and wanted you to know what had transpired. They are clever but was anxious in trying to get me to respond quickly, hurried. My friend nor I do things without checking things out first and getting more information. If it's legitimate, they'll answer your questions. Too bad this is happening.


May. 1, 2019 at 8:09 AM by
Facebook Powerball Lottery, Sweepstakes and Promotion Scams
an anonymous user from: Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain

I have been told by a trusted friend that she has seen my name on a list of winners of the facebook powerball lottery, but all my efforts to see the list for myself have failed. She referred me to a messanger address, hxxps://m.me/onlineclaiming.agentcaro, which she used and paid 450 pounds delivery charge. SHE THEN RECEIVED CASH WINNINGS OF 60,000 pounds.

The contact, Jane Dreey, has told me I am a winner of 85,736 pounds. I asked for a cheque to be sent to me by post but, saying that all winners pay a delivery charge, she requires 400 pounds up front. I am having difficulty making up my mind only because my friend received her winnings as a result of paying an up front fee (having to provide her bank details). Shirley


May. 1, 2019 at 8:20 AM by
Facebook Powerball Lottery, Sweepstakes and Promotion Scams

That was not your friend. Contact your friend via telephone or ask your friend questions only he/she would know.

Remember, there are scammers hijacking people's Facebook accounts and sending fake and fraudulent messages to them.

Also, once you are asked to send money, it is always a scam.


Mar. 19, 2019 at 11:58 AM by
Facebook Powerball Lottery, Sweepstakes and Promotion Scams
an anonymous user from: Chicago, Illinois, United States

This man named Lawrence Rosenblum keeps texting me that I won 200,000.00 and I need to pay 2000.00 for it to be released by the ups driver. He says he is an agent from the federal government.


Mar. 19, 2019 at 12:19 PM by
Facebook Powerball Lottery, Sweepstakes and Promotion Scams

He is a scammer or thieves, report the texts to your service provider.


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Facebook Powerball Lottery, Sweepstakes and Promotion Scams