Facebook (notification @facebooklottery.com)
Picture of Facebook
Attn : Beneficiary,
You have been selected as one among the ten lucky winners in this year's Facebook online splash, Facebook promo normally holds every year since Facebook has become a success and highly accepted Worldwide. Ten stable Facebook accounts are selected from all the regions by our Internet Processing Unit out of millions of Facebook users, Ten lucky winners have been selected from all the continents currently connected to the Facebook network around the World.
Winning Award attached to TICKET NUMBER (812374592611), BALLOT NUMBER (BT: 003632149/62) and WINNING NUMBER: (W43197AD)
Your Account emerged as the 6th beneficiary in this Promo and was chosen at random by our Digital Random Internet Processing Service (D.R.I.P.S) and your reward is coming from the interests generated from advertising and copyrights from the Facebook network and this program is fully supported by i, Mark Elliot Zuckerberg {CEO/Founder of Facebook} and the members of staff for the World Gambling promotional program and Lottery Sweepstakes.
Congratulations once again from Facebook, You are entitled to the sum of $500,000:00 (Five hundred thousand United States Dollars), being the Sum given out as compensation for your patronage on Facebook.
Being the 6th Beneficiary out of the Ten for this Year's Facebook Promotional Lottery Sweepstakes, You fall in the 2nd Category for the winnings which is Category{B},London. Payment District in England with your fiduciary Agent information being given below:
Fiduciary Agent: Barr. PAGE ANDERSON
Email Address: facebook.lotteryclaimdept28 @yahoo.com.ph
Go ahead and contact him with the below information as soon as you get this notification and get your cash prize of {500,000.00},Five hundred thousand United States Dollars as soon as possible as some winners among those that won have already gotten theirs.
FULL NAME: ...............
OCCUPATION: ........
GENDER: .............
TICKET NUMBER: ............
BALLOT NUMBER: ...........
N.B: Do not disclose this to anyone until you have successfully claimed your cash prize for security reasons.
We have had cases where last winners complained of someone else claiming their prizes and accounts being forged and tendered for the prize money. For security reasons, You have to quote your TICKET NUMBER, BALLOT NUMBER and WINNING NUMBER as your subject when you are getting to your fiduciary agent.
Officially Endorsed by Mark Elliot Zuckerberg,
CEO/Founder of Facebook,
All rights reserved(C) 2012 FACEBOOK ONLINE SPLASH PROMO !!!