Gmail Team Incoming Spam Phishing Email

Gmail Team Incoming Spam Phishing Email

The email message below which appears as if it came from Gmail, is actually a phishing scam used by cybercriminals to trick the recipients into sending their usernames, passwords, phone numbers and email addresses. This email message was not sent by Gmail and you should not respond to it with the information it is requesting.

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Here is a copy of the phishing Gmail Team email scam:

From: Gmail Team <>
Date: Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 12:33 PM
Subject: Reply us

Dear Users,

You are directed to fill in the below information in other to protect your mail from incoming spam, Kindly reply us by filling in the information below.

Active Phone Number:======



Alternative Email:======

NOTE: You have less than 48 hours to respond to this mail or your email will be deleted from our web.

-The Gmáil Téam.

Responding to this email message will only send your information to some email account at, and not to With this information the persons behind this phishing email can gain access to your Gmail account.

If you have already responded to this email message, please change your Gmail password immediately. Gmail or other email providers will never ask you to send your username, password, phone number or email address to them.

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May 13, 2018 at 8:11 AM by
Gmail Team Incoming Spam Phishing Email
an anonymous user from: London, England, United Kingdom

I received the following email recently. Is it genuine or a scam? I did not ask for this address to be created. Please advise me. Regards, Bob

"Your Gmail address,

*, has been created.

Welcome to Gmail! You can login to your account at

Here are a couple of tips to help you get started:

• Use Gmail's import tools to move mail and contacts from your other email accounts to your new Gmail address.

• Download the mobile app for Android or iPhone and iPad to stay connected on the go.

Should you ever encounter problems with your account or forget your password we will contact you at this address.


The Gmail Team


May 13, 2018 at 9:13 AM by
Gmail Team Incoming Spam Phishing Email

In order to determine if the email is a scam or not, please forward the actual email to us at


May 28, 2017 at 9:22 AM by
Gmail Team Incoming Spam Phishing Email
an anonymous user from: Boise, Idaho, United States


I keep getting emails from Google Team saying that there is a notification from a person, always a different name identified as a Google Team member and that the email was unable to be delivered to me. Comes to my spam folder.

Am I to report this type of email and where do I forward the emails to that I get to stop them?

I am not able to identify if it is from the real thing or not and not sure how to know if Google Team is sending me emails? What is safe and how can I know for sure?

Thank you.



May 28, 2017 at 9:50 AM by
Gmail Team Incoming Spam Phishing Email

Any email that appears to have been sent by Google requesting personal information or money is a fake. Google doesn't request personal information via email message and will never ask users to send money in order to claim a prize or promotion.


Mar 12, 2017 at 8:34 PM by
Gmail Team Incoming Spam Phishing Email

Here is another scam:

"From: GoogleTeam

Sent: March 12, 2017 9:54 AM

Subject: Incoming messages


Ella Gray (Gmail Team) just sent you a message:


Undeliverable messages.

Get more information"


May 7, 2016 at 5:45 AM by
Gmail Team Incoming Spam Phishing Email
an anonymous user from: London, England, United Kingdom

Hi, I keep receiving emails from Gmail Team informing me that payments for items I have supposedly purchase have not been taken from my account, I have not purchased anything from any of these people and would therefore like to report to you that this is happening, up until now I have just deleted the emails however I am now getting them again with the heading Final Demand


May 7, 2016 at 9:03 AM by
Gmail Team Incoming Spam Phishing Email

Please forward a copy of the email to us.


Sep 7, 2014 at 7:36 AM by
Gmail Team Incoming Spam Phishing Email
an anonymous user from: Middlesex Centre, Ontario, Canada

Is this a real email or phishing?


Welcome to Gmail! You can login to your account at

Here are a couple of tips to help you get started:

Use Gmail's import tools to move mail and contacts from your other email accounts to your new Gmail address.

Download the mobile app for Android or iPhone and iPad to stay connected on the go.

Should you ever encounter problems with your account or forget your password we will contact you at this address.


The Gmail Team

If you didn't create this Gmail address and don't recognize this email, please visit: Tsq6999S3wtHTLOUiFmo09 to unlink this account



Sep 7, 2014 at 12:07 PM by
Gmail Team Incoming Spam Phishing Email

The email message is real or legitimate. If you look at the links in the email message, you will notice that they go to and


Jun 3, 2014 at 6:15 PM by
Gmail Team Incoming Spam Phishing Email
an anonymous user from: Manly, Iowa, United States

I received an email stating that I won $500,000.00 and an apple laptop for this month of June 2014 lottery promotion, which is organized by gmail


Jun 3, 2014 at 7:00 PM by
Gmail Team Incoming Spam Phishing Email

This is a scam. There is no Gmail lottery or promotion.


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Gmail Team Incoming Spam Phishing Email