The email message below, which appears as if it came from Banco Bradesco, is a phishing scam. Banco Bradesco is the second largest private bank in Brazil and the leader in the private financial sector. The email was designed to trick the recipients into believing that their Banco Bradesco account information are outdated and provides them with a link to a fake Banco Bradesco website, designed to steal their sign-in information or account number/password.
The Banco Bradesco Phishing Email Scam
The email message was sent originally in Portuguese. Below is a copy of the same email in English and Portuguese.
Your account has been limited
UPDATING Access Key (sac
Dear (a) customer
Contained in our safety systems, the physical account registered to this email is the records are outdated.
Aiming your own safety, we have a standard procedure to perform the update of your registration. Its security keys come in dead condition and will require you recadastre the same through this e-mail.
You will have a period of five working days to perform this operation, otherwise your account will be blocked and their security keys canceled.
Failure to perform this operation will result in an administrative fine and suspension of customer services based on law 1589 - ART 7 °, is also necessary to go up to your agency to regularize this situation.
Follow the link below to perform the update of your data.
Banco Bradesco SA
Sua conta foi limitada
Atualizaca?o de Chave de Acesso (sac
Prezado(a) cliente,
Consta em nossos sistemas de segurança, que a conta física cadastrada para este e-mail, está com o cadastro desatualizado.
Visando sua própria segurança, possuímos um procedimento padrão para realizar a atualização de seu cadastro. Suas chaves de segurança entrarão em estado inoperante e será necessário que você recadastre as mesmas através deste e-mail.
Você terá o prazo de cinco dias úteis para realizar essa operação, do contrário, sua conta será bloqueada e suas chaves de segurança canceladas.
A não realização dessa operação, acarretará em uma multa administrativa e suspensão dos serviços de atendimento, baseado na lei 1.589 - ART 7°, sendo também necessário ir até à sua agência regularizar essa situação.
Acesse o link abaixo para realizar a atualização de seus dados.
Banco Bradesco S.A.
Clicking on any of the links in this email message will take you to the website:
,which will then send you to the phishing or fake Banco Bradesco website below:
- www.atualizacaocha

Clicking the link or logo on the website above will take you to the phishing or fake Banco Bradesco login page below:
- www.atualizacaoc

If you enter your Banco Bradesco sign-in information or account number/password on this website, it will be sent to the scammers behind this phishing scam. With this information, the scammers can gain access to your account and deplete your savings.
If you are sent any email messages from Banco Bradesco, instructing you to click on a link to sign into your account, please do not. Always go directly to Banco Bradesco's website at, and sign into your account from there.